Coby Chafets | He Drives Ms. Daisy


Dillon đŸ’«

This is way funnier than it has any right to be. It’ll be stuck in your head forever and will cause you to giggle at random moments. I approve. Mary - Last week, a 2 hours and 50 minutes NYC compilation record was released called ‘You’re Gonna Be Great’. The record is kinda a who’s who of the indie NYC “scene”. Coby Chafets was on the compilation (not for this song) so that’s how I found this video. From what I can tell, Chafets is a comedian / musician around town and, if you like this, is the kind of showman worth keeping tabs on.


Last week, a 2 hours and 50 minutes NYC compilation record was released called ‘You’re Gonna Be Great’. The record is kinda a who’s who of the indie NYC “scene”. Coby Chafets was on the compilation (not for this song) so that’s how I found this video. From what I can tell, Chafets is a comedian / musician around town and, if you like this, is the kind of showman worth keeping tabs on.

Greg 😄

On a pure silliness scale, this ranks high. I thought it was hysterical and pretty damn timely based on the recent criticisms of “Green Book” and its racial undertones. Outside of the comedic side of it, musically it was overtly flat (to say the least), but I don’t suspect strong vocals was the focus of this project.

Sean 👌😑

Oh boy this was a doozy. Coby Chafets is a sometimes serious but other times comedic musician from in and around the NYC area. Their track “He Drives Miss Daisy” is a spoof on The Fine Young Cannibals track “She Drives Me Crazy”. I had actually never heard the original track by Fine Young Cannibals that this parody was based on. Once someone enlightened me to that It all made a lot more sense. Still what could have easily been a thirty second video did not need to be stretched to a nearly four minute track. The vocals are really grating and overtly silly which is to the detriment of the track when you look and realize it is only half way done. For comedy music to work well the music needs to be good, and if it is not good there needs to be a reason why its bad that adds to the humor.

ReviewSean Maldjiansynthpop, pop