Photo by, Danni Sing
Meet wowflower
It’s time for some lo-fi wonder my internet pioneers! Enter wowflower, a real master of some sonic, atmospheric, and downright lush sounds. Splicing tempos left, right, and center, this Brooklyn-by-way-of-Boston innovator brings the texture into beat making.
Fresh off his latest release, brodies attestupa, we pick his brain about the Boston scene, the Blue Man Group, and the healing properties of music.
Once upon a FORK, there were three little pigs. The first little pig was very HAIRY, and he built a house for himself out of DOGS. The second little pig was STANKY, and he built a house out of HOUSES. But the third little pig was very ROBUST, and he built his house out of genuine FROGS. Well one day, a mean old wolf came along and saw the houses. "OH!!" he said. "I'll KICK and I'll SKATE and I'll blow your house down." And he blew down the first little pig's GUITAR and the second little pig's ABLETON SESSIONS. The two little pigs ran to the third pig's house. Thereupon, the wolf began blowing, but he couldn't blow down the third little pig's ASHTRAY house. so he SAT on the forest, and the three little CYLINDRICAL pigs moved to Chicago and went into the sausage business.
Would You Rather
have to live for two years inside a Chuck E Cheese, or the guitar center on 42nd street?
definitely guitar center! Would pass the time veeeery easily
Some questions with wowflower
How did wowflower come to be?
Not entirely sure…I’ve always been involved with music in one way or another. Be it taking actual drum lessons when I was young or forming a band with my childhood buddies I’ve always been interested in the art of music production. wowflower is just that same pursuit of music.
How does the scene in Boston differ from Brooklyn?
Boston has a crazy beat scene. Early on in my time spent there Rah Zen got into contact with me and welcomed me with open arms into what he was working on. He put on a bunch of shows and in my short time in Boston, he really made that place feel like a home. I’m still super tight with a lot of the artists I met there. Brooklyn, however, is a more elusive beast. It’s just denser energy here. Boston was breezy and open, and it was great for my creativity. I feel like a bit more of a shut-in here, and I love it. While I haven’t been performing a lot, I've been attending shows and focusing on new music. The big difference between the cities is the volume of shows in bk is like 20 times was it was in Boston. There are bars I can frequent here that I know will consistently inspire me and get me feeling motivated. Artists need that kind of thing, or at least I do.
What has been a recent innovation in music that you admire?
Nobody makes me question reality like Sleepyeyes. His mixes are insane and are a constant source of gas for my creative fire. I dont hear a lot of music like what goes on in his work.
You have released an immense amount of work in a short amount of time. How do you remain inspired to keep creating?
I think I’m more scared of losing the desire to create than I am of heights. And I’m deathly afraid of heights. Maybe that’s too dramatic but seriously the only way to prove to myself that I can do anything is just to do it. I’ve never wanted to be considered prolific, but I’m not brave enough to hoard my work, and creating bodies of work is too much fun.
What is your worst habit?
My phone. Its always the phone nowadays but it can’t be overstated how much it takes me out of the present moment.
What do you hope listeners will take from your music?
I hope they find it healing. I want it hit them as hard as it hits me. I want to transmit deep emotion through it, or maybe I just want to share my deep emotional tie to it. I don’t entirely know. Some people tell me it helps their anxiety when they travel, and even if that’s how it’s listened to for the rest of the time that’s enough for me.
If you were given a limitless budget what would you incorporate into your live performances?
Maybe I’d hire the blue man group to perform an album of mine… or try to organize a really large scale theatre piece around an album of mine. Something involving other artists that I can pay all that limitless money to.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
I’m currently unveiling a series of 4 EPs that I’m really excited about. The first of which, “brodies attestupa” is out now and is kind of episode one of the Brodie and Daisha saga. I don’t want to spoil any story elements by wasting words on them, but I’m proud of what I've accomplished with them. solve your problems by making art. Avoid eating starches. Be kind, Stretch often and don’t deprive yourself of the art you love.