Wander Marchal
Photo provided by, Wander Marchal
Meet Wander Marchal
To try and explain how fantastic Wander Marchal is as a vocalist will only highlight how inarticulate I am. Still, let me give it a shot. This lady has some serious vocal skills. They go high they go low, and everywhere in between. Pair that with their instrumental prowess and honest writing style and bam that is one talented artist. Get to know Wander Marchal as we chat about their latest single, LA, and lies.
A self-portrait by, Wander Marchal
Would You Rather
be carried everywhere you go by a giant person, or be confined to a segway? Why?
I'm choosing the first - to be carried by a giant person everywhere I go. I'm 5'10" so I think that a giant person and I would get along quite well and bond over our mutual tall person energy.
Some questions with Wander Marchal
What was the last concert you attended that inspired you?
How horrible to think that all my answers to this question are from ~6+ months ago (rip live music)! But if I had to choose, the last concert that inspired me was BANKS at Brooklyn Steel. I've seen many iterations of BANKS shows, first seeing her play at Irving Plaza in 2014, then later at Terminal 5, and finally Brooklyn Steel this past year where she was accompanied by two incredible dancers and a string section. I've loved watching her live show transform and evolve.
How do the music communities compare between NYC and LA? Do you have a favorite?
This is a hard question to answer because my music scene in NY is so deeply tied to my experience at Columbia University, where I am an undergrad studying CS. I moved to LA by myself when I was 18 for about a year, and despite knowing nobody at first I was able to form some amazing relationships with people in music out there. While the scene in LA definitely welcomed me, it felt fragmented compared to NYC, but I largely attribute that difference to Columbia.
Are you better at thumb wrestles or staring contests?
For the longest time I would've answered staring contests but after a brutal loss this week I'm gonna say thumb wrestles.
What is your favorite song you ever wrote and why?
The answer to this question probably changes by the week. Right now I would say Home With You is my favorite, because writing it broke a long stretch of silence and sadness I was in at the time. I also got to record and produce it with my dear friend Alex, which was liberating and comforting.
What was the creative drive behind your single "Someone Who Loves You"?
Someone Who Loves You was my response to the finality of a relationship which had been swaying in and out of my life. It is my most valiant attempt at acceptance.
Can you tell us a lie about NYC? It can be anything?
That New Yorkers are mean!
How do you feel about the role social media plays in an up and coming musicians carrier?
There's definitely a good and bad side to how important social media is to an up and coming musician's career. While I have benefitted so much in terms of exposure and connection through Instagram, I wish it were less tiring and performative! I find social media to be an exhausting activity that oftentime fuels negative thoughts.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)