Photo by, Melissa Suarez
Meet Undeath
Question: Would you argue that “undeath” is really just “alive”?
Straight out of Rochester, the NY project Undeath delivers ripping death metal. Nothing about this will soothe you, my friends…but, it will remind you of your human existence by shaking you to you core and rattling those old bones.
Below, we chat with these little crooners about a father’s influence, wielding bats (the animals), and their fruitful collaboration.
Give it a listen and a like and some love below!
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, A Mad-Lib by, Undeath.
I have known KYLE. for 420.years and CLUMSILY recommend him/her for the position of assistant BASEBALL in your SEXY company. I can't start STABBING enough about this person's LOATHSOME character and ability to get along with his/her fellow BASEBALLS. As for the educational background, KYLE is a college CONDOM, is capable of making several foreign IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICES, and has an IQ of 666. You will find KYLE to be an IRRITATING worker who is not only as smart as an IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE but who doesn't know the meaning of the word FLEE. Unfortunately, this is one of many words this person doesn't know the meaning of.
Would You Rather
smell like mothballs, or sound like gilbert Godfried?
I would rather sound like my man Gilbert because he’s quite literally one of the funniest people who’s ever lived and I already smell horrible 24/7.
Some Questions with Undeath
When you get an idea for a song, which is more difficult to nail down the lyrics or the music?
Both tend to flow pretty naturally into one another, but making sure the songs are compositionally tight and entertaining to listen to requires more mental acrobatics.
Who did the artwork for your 2019 release Sentient Autolysis?
Our drummer Matt Browning does all of our artwork.
Artwork by, Matt Browning
Who was a significantly influential family member growing up?
My dad has an amazing taste in music and introduced me to a ton of wonderful bands very early on in my life, especially a lot of wild Krautrock stuff like Can. Shoutout to Owen.
If your music was played during a nature documentary what would the subject matter be?
Three unbroken hours of animals pissing on themselves.
Who would be your dream director to work with on a music video?
Hype Williams.
What is the creative process like between the three of you?
Kyle and Matt are the geniuses behind everything. They write all the music and stuff and then I come in at the end and throw up all over everything. We have a very fruitful and positive working relationship.
Do you have a piece of musical gear that you have been really into lately?
I just bought a new grinder that’s been working very well so far.
If you had control of all bats on the earth what would you do with them?
Turn them loose on my enemies.
If you were performing as a cover band for some event, maybe Halloween, what band would you cover? What would your name be?
Stone Temple Pilots, but just “Interstate Love Song” over and over for fifty minutes. Our name would be “The Four Horsemen”
What movie has your favorite soundtrack?
Gummo or Dazed and Confused, at the moment.
What has been your most memorable live performance?
The show that we just played at St. Vitus on the tour we did with our good friends Sanguisugabogg and Mutilatred was amazing. Definitely one of if not the best show any of us have ever played.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Keep music in schools and fund music programs for aspiring young people.