Photo by, Suzanne Abramson
Meet Sandhedrin
Don’t you miss the eighties? I sure do and I wasn’t even born then. So for anyone else who has a hankering for some hard rocking, eighties-inspired tunage, feast your eyes and ears on the doozy that is Sanhedrin.
This Brooklyn-based trio creates familiar sounds with a distinct edge, toeing the line between hard and soft with slow-burns and head banging harmonies.
Below, we chat to guitarist Jeremy Sosville about the group’s recent accomplishments, the heavy metal mentality, and quote something Wilde. Give ‘em a listen and get a gallop on. You won’t be sorry.
Would you rather…
Would you rather be carried everywhere you go by a giant person, or be confined to a segway? Why?
Depends on the giant's general disposition and overall hygiene
Some questions with Jeremy Sosville of Sanhedrin
How do you feel looking back a year out from your 2019 release ‘The Poisoner’?
We feel pretty accomplished to this point. We've done 3 trips to Europe and played several US cities we hadn't reached previously. The support from our fans has been strong and inspiring.
What does heavy metal mean to you?
Heavy metal is a mindset where one can find freedom and empowerment in a world designed to keep people obedient and in shackles.
Are you better at thumb wrestles or staring contests? What is your strategy?
I have small hands and I blink a lot, so I'll stick to playing guitar.
How is the world going to end?
The world isn't going to end. The world has been here for billions of years and will continue to exist long after our species goes extinct. If you're asking how humanity will end, I will just say that it's a miracle we're all still here considering the circumstances.
Who has been your biggest supporter throughout your music career?
For me personally, it's been my dad. He's a guitar player himself and has never hesitated to encourage this weird and gratifying lifestyle I've chosen for myself. I would say most people in my life have supported what I do, which is a nice feeling.
Do you usually show people your music before it is finished to get feedback? Who do you show it to?
The three of us in the band are really the only people who hear new material before it goes public. Our significant others and friends may hear something here and there, but if the 3 of us are happy with something then that's all that really matters. We've been lucky that what we like is something that other people connect with.
Do you have a favorite quote?
"Life is too important to be taken seriously" - Oscar Wilde
What is the most fun you have ever had during a live performance?
I find most shows to be a blast. So long as the gear is working and the audience is engaged, we are grateful. We did get to play some really great festivals in Germany last year that were very fun: Hell Over Hammaburg, CFN Fest, Headbanger's Open Air. The German metal fans are an amazing bunch and really seem to connect with what we do.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Thanks to all who support the band! For updates, follow us on Facebook (@sanhedrinband) and Instagram (@sanhedrin_official). For records, CDs and merch, go to