Marques Martin
Photo by, Marques Martin
Meet Marques Martin
Marques Martin’s got a serious handle on their sound. They conjure beautifully constructed tracks and infectious melodies in their songwriting. Marques Martin has a sound that is thoughtful and secure. Their 2020 release “Brave and & Afraid” is an absolute powerhouse. “Hailey” uses percussive samples, and textures in ways that will knock your socks off. The artist stopped to talk with us about songwriting, the music industry, and things that smell good. Check it out and listen to the album!
“Breaking Weather Report” A fill in the blank with Marques Martin
"We interrupt this BLUE.broadcast to bring you a PROLIFIC news bulletin. Hurricane HAILEY, with gusting METEORS.clocked at 7.miles per hour, is hammering the QUIETLY.populated Florida coast. This DARK storm has left SOGGY.devastation in its wake. The National SPACESHIP.Bureau reports that in Miami, windows have been blown out of fifty high-rise ANGELS, showering the streets below with pieces of broken VOCALS. The howling winds have reduced a newly built LOVING center to WINGS. Police report a seven-ton railroad CYBORG was lifted off its track and sent MOSHING.into a three story HAMMPER. Fortunately, there have been no casualties. Nevertheless, the Governor has declared a VYVANSE of emergency and advised all seek safety in a THERMIN shelter. And now back to your progress."
Would You Rather
have control over all the fish in the world or all the trees? What would you do with your new powers?
I’d rather have control of all the fish in the sea. I’d make the fish tell me whats at the bottom of the ocean.
Some questions with Marques Martin
What is one thing you would want to change about the music industry?
The importance of social media
“Dance Songs” — a damn good single you happen to release during Quarantine? What was it like to produce and release a song during this time?
I actually wrote and recorded the song in 2017, so it didn’t come from anything going on currently. But it felt good to put something out that is calm during these times. I’m proud that I showed my musicianship with the live instrumentation and that I was able to make an introspective song without sounding preaching.
What was the subject of the first song you ever wrote?
I can’t remember lol. I remember making a bunch of edgy music with shock value bars.. I was really inspired by Earl Sweatshirt and Kanye West when I first started rapping.
Who is your biggest supporter throughout your musical career?
Hmm…. My manager Gregory. I got no doubt he believes in what I do given all the sacrifices he’s made to even get us this far.
What is the best smelling thing ever?
A fresh cooked meal when you get home.
“Dance Songs” seem to express a frustration towards the “over-saturation” of emerging new artists. Can you elaborate on that a bit?
Yeah- over the years I’ve felt underestimated or just not taken seriously because of my title alone. When you tell someone that you make music, people lose interest in you because everyone makes music nowadays. There’s a lot of stereotypes that come with being a rapper, especially when you’re surrounded by white people. But at the same time, I asked for this ya know? I gotta be able to handle people talking or undermining me since I chose an unrealistic career choice.
I used to get upset that there were so many bad artists out there trying to make it but nowadays my frustrations are set towards the music industry and how they constantly change the list of requirements in order to get any kinda love from our work. How could I be mad at someone just trying? It’s a lot deeper and complicated than I can actually explain over text though.
What do you find you often write about, or do you find that you are constantly changing where your inspiration comes from?
Recently a lot of my inspiration has been fueled by my desire to get out of my current financial situation and how the world around me has affected it. A lot of my gaze is set on bigger than life themes. I’m thinking biblical references, crime tv shows, surreal imagery, and storytelling. I miss storytelling in music.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
My debut album Brave & Afraid is coming out August 28th. I promise there is nothing like it out right now. Give it a listen, give it two listens!