Photo by, Ebru Yildiz
With a hefty pour of the 80’s and a shot of the ’90s, Locate S, 1 serves a mean cocktail of nostalgic, fringe-pop joy. With the latest release ‘Personalia,’ the project delivers a tasty spin on the bygone eras, offering up something shiny and new.
Below, we chat about hacktivism, counting time in MMbops, and the true purpose behind the latest release.
Give it a gander…
“THE PROM” A fill in the blank with LOCATE S,1
If there's a melody you can't seem to get out of your BAD or a song running through your TIME, then bring your feet to this year's HELP prom. As usual, our TRAPPED will be held in our high school IN. A dress code will be observed. No one will be admitted wearing AND MY or torn MUSKETS. Girls must wear SOMEONE'S and boys must wear a dress shirt and a GOOD. As always, hot ARE will be served, and there will be ME prizes and an award for the best-BACKFIRING couple. The I'M dance committee is also proud to announce that every girl who attends will receive a IDEA to pin to her OF, and every boy will receive a complimentary A.
Would You Rather
have on the back of your head Shia Lebouf, or Martha Stewart’S face?
Who would I rather vanquish, behead, and make a mask of their face to wear on the back of my head to frighten my enemies? You people are sick.
Some questions with LOCATE S,1
What is your favorite thing someone has ever said about your music?
“her old stuff is so amazing but this project is kinda lame. if you like complex indie pop with a lot more personality and originality check out CE Schneider Topical” -Blebbio, RateYourMusic.com
How has reaching and interacting with your fans changed since the pandemic?
Since I now have time to train my fans in the art of hacktivism, we are planning our 2021 campaign to end Blebbio’s vice-like grip on culture. The public wants to know why they should trust someone who not only felt the need to rate Spaceballs (a movie that came out in 1987) on rateyourmusic.com, but also felt the need to give this universally beloved comedy classic 1.5 out of 5 stars. Answers and justice will be served.
What was the creative drive behind your 2020 release "Personalia"?
I wanted to win a VMA for PUSH BEST NEW ARTIST Presented by Chime Banking. Now that Lady Ga Ga won instead the whole album just feels like a waste honestly.
Do you remember the first album/CD/tape you ever bought? Has it had any impact on the music you are making today?
Probably Hanson’s “Middle of Nowhere”. To this day all of my time signatures are counted in MMbops.
Who was your most influential family member growing up?
My family has decided to settle this out of court and I would rather not talk about it publicly.
What was the first concert you ever went to?
KISS at Jones Beach. Ted Nugent opened and I learned that everyone there was racist.
How do you want your listeners to interact with your lyrics?
Like this, please.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
I am extremely famous.