Photo by, Andrew Gibson
Meet Beeef
Where’s the BEEEEEF?! Oh, you had to have known I was going to dust that one off for this intro. How could I not?
Anyway, these four fellas have a lot of charm. Let their Jangleing rocking tunes take your mind back to a simpler time before breakfast. A time when you are still laying in your bed still unaware of what the day has to throw at you. Down below we hit on all the juicy topics. Everything you need to know is just a mouse flick away.
Self-portrait by, Beeef
Some Questions with Beeef
If you could create your own Ben and Jerry’s flavor, what would it be?
It's called "Beeef for Breakfast" and it's a breakfast ice cream offering. When you crack open a pint, you first are met with an enormous stroopwafel. Once you crack through that bad boy, you get a harmonious blend of ice cream made from Cinnamon Toast Crunch milk (the best cereal), and a swirl of coffee ice cream within. Mixed within this heavenly 'scream are chunks of Eggo waffles and chunks of chocolate glazed donut.
Could you break down your musical process to a mathematic formula?
Dunkin Donuts + lots of time in a basement + pizza break (typically w/ knots on the side) + more time in a basement + time in a studio + roughly 50-100 emails = Beeef records
What was the creative process like working on your 2019 album ‘Bull in the Shade”
A bit more sparse than our first record. Dan, our bassist, had moved to Brooklyn, so there was some piece-by-piece long-distance work going on. We had started working on some of these songs before our first record was even done, and after a more DIY approach to recording the first record, we wanted to do a lot of tracking and mixing in a studio to get that experience. We found a great match with Justin Pizzoferrato at Sonelab Studios in Easthampton, MA. He's a total wizard, and he has the patience of a saint. We tend to take our sweet time on things and he was totally supportive of that.
What is the most fun you ever had during a live performance?
Our record release shows have been a blast for both records that we put out. When you work on a record for so long, it's really hard to keep it a secret sometimes, so there's an element of excitement that comes with sharing a bunch of new stuff with people who have gone out of their way to listen. We also really had a blast opening for Alvvvays at The Paradise in Boston. It was one of the first "bigger" stages that we were able to play and we're huge fans of theirs. We were very giddy and it was a blast playing to a crowd of that size.
What are your thoughts on streaming platforms? Have they helped or hindered the industry?
We can only really speak to our experience, but I think we're able to see both sides of the story. Streaming has been a huge exposure resource for us. We're not able to tour as often as we would like to, so streaming services have been really instrumental in introducing our music to folks who are outside of our area and may not otherwise hear us. That said, "exposure" doesn't keep the industry sustainable. If everyone who streamed our songs bought a physical copy, wouldn't that truly be something!
Who would you want to play you in a movie?
Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze, Gary Busey, and whoever played Warchild in "Point Break".
What is the ideal environment for your music to be played out loud in?
Basements are particularly great although if the weather is ideal, backyard BBQs are an environment in which Beeef thrives. Also smashing that play button when the final school bell rings for summer vacation (a la Alice Cooper in "Dazed and Confused") is highly recommended.
Pool, beer pong, darts, or karaoke? Pick your poison.
Who out of all of you can jump the highest?
Is none of us an acceptable answer? I'm going to pick Josh (guitarist) because he grew up not too far from where John Cena is from, so if there's something in the water, he's got some great athletic prowess that the rest of the band doesn't know about. He also comes from a lineage of hurdling champions.
Has this provided any significant advantages?
Still waiting on that David Lee Roth jump kick from him, but when it happens we'll know.
What in your mind makes a performance a success?
As cheesy as it sounds, having fun is a good measure. If we're having fun and the crowd is having fun, it pretty much affirms why we make music. Feedback is also great, too. If we get to chat with someone, especially someone whom we've never met, that a great added bonus.
If money was no object what would be your dream merch to produce and sell at your shows?
The Beeef video game, which would basically be Tony Hawk's Pro Skater except with the members of Beeef (+ Rune Glifberg and Kareem Campbell) and the soundtrack would be Beeef covers of THPS classics like "Superman" and "Jerry Was a Racecar Driver". Either that, or fanny packs could be cool too.
Where do you normally go after a show, to a party or home to sleep?
Truthfully, we're typically good for an hour or two of post-show hang and then its time to get our beauty rest. We really make that hour or two worth it though.
What is the worst mixer of all time?
Yogurt is a tough one.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Beeef's new record, "Bull in the Shade" will officially be available for purchase on vinyl at the end of December. We recommend it! If you have the means to purchase, that would be awesome. If streaming is easier, heck, maybe throw some tunes on a playlist, or make a Beeef mix for that special someone. Also, if you'd like Beeef to come to play a gig at your college or in your town, or if you have any good music recommendations to throw at us, toss a note to Beeefmail at