Photo by, Devon Bristol Shaw
Meet T.V.O.D.
T.V.O.D. is a delightful group of musical individuals using their combined skills to create honest rock tunes. The group is made up of Tyler Wright, Lead Vocals Nikki Sisti, Lead Guitar, and Vocals Trevor Mustoe, Drums, and Shaun Wong slaying the Synth. In our latest interview, we chat with the band about TV tips, advice, and the creative process.
“TV VIEWING TIPS A” a fill in the blank with T.V.O.D.
"Everybody Loves WESTON": Tonight we learn what happens to a HAIRY.husband when he forgets it's his anniversary and invites his buddies over to the house for an all-night poker HAT.
"Monday Night BIG TOE Ball": The New York DEER
play the St. Louis MARSHMALLOW.in a game that will decide who goes to the SLOPPY Bowl.
"60 SOCKS": Investigates the TRANSLUCENT practice of laundering counterfeit THUMBS through LOUSY banks in the FITZGERALD Islands.
“State of the CAT Speech”: The President is scheduled to deliver his CORNY address before a REPETITIVE session of Congress, telecast from the House of DOG WALKERS.
Would You Rather
be able to smell the future or hear into the past? Please explain why.
Nikki: Smell the future, because I don’t want to hear the past, that sounds like depression…
Shaun: Hear the past because I can’t remember shit.
Tyler: I want to hear the past because I want to hear jazz in the 1920s.
Trevor: I don’t think I’d like to smell the future because I don’t like to smell things––like what is productivity? Sweat?
Some Questions with T.V.O.D.
How did you navigate releasing your 2020 album “Daisy” during the COVID-19 lockdown?
Tyler: March 14th hit and I suddenly didn’t have any more clients for my business. Like most people, I had a bunch of free time and just wanted to make an EP for my friends and anyone else who was feeling affected by Covid-19 and the isolation of quarantine.
What was the best piece of advice you ever received?
Trevor: K.I.S.S. - Keep it Simple Stupid.
Shaun: I don’t know, I can’t think of anything.
Tyler: Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.
Nikki: I’m still waiting to hear it.
Do you have a piece of musical gear that you find yourself returning to often?
Tyler: My Tascam 424MKIII, which I use on all of my home recordings.
Nikki: A handmade pedal I got from Craigslist––it’s a big muff and a screamer combined.
Trevor: My Ludwig piccolo snare.
Shaun: My guitar, it’s a Taylor acoustic.
Can the music of T.V.O.D. be broken down into a mathematical formula?
Tyler: Yes, 2+ 2 = 3.
What are your hopes for the DIY music scene in NYC post-COVID-19?
Tyler: We think that it’s going to come back with a newer, broader genre or maybe even bigger energy, with more passion and appreciation all around.
What was the creative drive behind your 2020 release “Daisy”?
Tyler: I finally had the time to sit down and have some fun with my home recording studio. I just wanted to feed the void that was music at the time.
What was the collaborative process between the two of you while making “Daisy”?
Nikki: I was hot to trot and Tyler was just writing music about me (because I was the only one around).
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)