The Family Reviews

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Toma Vagner

By Sean Maldjian, Contributor

Meet Toma Vagner

From Russia to NYC Toma Vagner shares delightful illustrations guaranteed to set any viewer’s imagination in motion. With an emphasis on playfulness Toma’s brightly colored and energetic compositions are an unstoppable force of joy. In our latest interview, we chat with the illustrator about NYC, dogs, and chores.

“PRIME TIME GOSSIP” a fill in the blank with Toma Vagner

The ever SPONTANEOUS "Gilligan's HOME" looks as though it will end up a KIND feature QUEEN. Both Universal THIMBLES and Paramount MITTENS are competing to turn this HARD comedy into a DEFINITIVE blockbuster What world-famous PAWN designer is CERTAINLY.tearing his HAND out? His staff sold the same provocative and MONOCHROMATIC low-cut JACKET to two of TV's leading PILOTS. The women hate each other's SHOULDERS.

Would you rater

be stuck in an elevator with Susan Sarandon, or Tilda Swinton?

Tilda Swinton.

Some questions with Toma Vagner

Were there any sights or images from your childhood that inspired the characters you are drawing today?

Yes, many. Toys, bubble gum wraps, old Japanese anime, Soviet children books and posters, which I was surrounded by growing up in Russia.

When did you move to NYC? How was the first year you spent here?

I moved to NYC when I got accepted into the School Of Visual Arts in 2013 at the age of 19, and I didn’t know anyone, not only in NYC, but in the US. My first year in NYC was transformative. For the first time in my life, I was formally studying art, and that was a great time. After rigid subjects like algebra, chemistry and literature in Russian high school, I felt that I was finally doing what I was meant to do. There was a lot of insecurity back then. I was pressured by my parents to study graphic design, as it was considered a more prospective filed, but I always knew I wanted to do illustration. So I switched by major in secret, and it was perhaps one of the best and most important decisions I ever made.

Are you a dog person or a cat person? Neither? Why?

Cat person. I had a Persian cat named Lapa back in Russia. She had a nice personality and was exceptionally smart - she could understand some words and commands. I travel quite a bit so I can’t have any pets now, unfortunately. 

How is living in NYC for an illustrator?

I love it. It is tough to make a living as an illustrator and pay monthly rent in a big city, but it builds character if you are willing to work and go out of your apartment sometimes. This challenge is not for everyone. Personally, I love big cities. Also, most of my clients are based in NYC, so it is convenient in terms of time zones, projects coordination and meet ups for coffee. 

What is your least favorite chore?

Chores provide time to think and reflect. A break from other tasks where more mental energy is required. I try not to think of them in terms of “most/least favorite”.

Where do you like to take people with your illustrations?

My website store ;) 

What is something you wish people did more often? 

Tell the truth and listen to one another.

Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)

One famous quote came to mind: “If everything that you are doing every day is related to the highest possible aim that you can conceptualize, that’s the very definition of the meaning that would sustain you in your life”.