Photo by provided by, Tilted
Meet Tilted
From the lands of Rockaway New Jersey comes Tilted. This emotional hard-rocking group is a testament to the sound and fury of the NJ music scene. Their October 2020 release “Corner of an Empty Room” is an unrelenting onslaught of crashing cymbals and screaming. In our latest interview, we chat with Kevin (Vox/Rhythm) about the 2019 release “Last In Line”, quarantine, and magic lassos.
A Self-portrait by, Kevin of Tilted
Would You Rather
have a magic lasso that would make people tell the truth or everyone believes every lie you ever told? Why
I think I'd rather have the lasso, not because I need the truth all the time, but because having a lasso would be super rad.
Some questions with Kevin of Tilted
Did you ever get detention in school? If so, why?
Personally, I was never really getting in that much trouble in middle school, all my trouble was usually outside of school. However, I know that Pai got in some pretty serious trouble once for breaking into our highschool one night. He genuinely just wanted to do his homework but left a textbook in his locker. Pretty funny stuff.
You describe your album “Tilted” as being written “Songs about a low point in our lives”. Is writing about this a cathartic experience?
I think for me, writing lyrics down or writing, in general, isn't really that cathartic, but performing the songs live definitely is. I think that's just because I get to scream and run around on stage like a lunatic. That's definitely the most therapeutic part of being in Tilted.
What song are you most looking forward to playing live when we can have concerts again? Why?
We usually end every set with a cover song, typically Killing in the Name by Rage, but we might change that up a bit and we've got some fun ideas. Without spoiling too much, I might be rocking a fitted Yankee cap and packing a chainsaw...
What do you want listeners to take away from your 2019 release “Last In Line”?
The EP "Last In Line" was really just a dip into the scene, almost like testing the water and playing with our sound. We never really expected it to go anywhere really, but looking back now in comparison to our debut LP "Corner of an Empty Room" it's a great reminder of how far we've come. So if there's anything to take away from it now, it's that we're working really hard to improve as a band or something like that.
If you could give one animal species (besides people) the ability to fly which would it be? Why?
Pigs. For obvious reasons. Or humans so that I could fly.
How has the current lockdown affected your creative and collaborative process?
The lockdown definitely took its toll on us early on as far as collaboration goes, but as it has gone on we've formed a little family unit and we still get to spend time together, writing, recording, or just hanging out.
What instrument do you want to learn, if any?
I would love to be able to play the piano. Or like being able to play it well. I can fake my way through some things on the piano but being able to just rip some neo-soul stuff off the top of my head would be really cool.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Suneater gang baybee listen to Guitar Fight, Oolong, Ogbert the Nerd, Newgrounds Death Rugby, Loser Camp, Gwuak, Your Arms Are My Cocoon, and See Through Person... or else!