The Attire
Photo provided by, The Attire
Meet The Attire
Get on your dancing shoes, and prepare to set sail. We have one electrifying group to share with you today. The Attire is at the forefront of the NYC Yacht Rock Revival. We had a chance to chat with them about Karaoke, their latest singles, and the origins of the project. It’s all down below. Check it out.
“VIDEO GAMES” A fill in the blank by, The Attire
I love to SPRINT video games. I can play them day and TIGER! My mom and JUNGLE GYM are not too happy with me KISSING so much in front of PARIS. Although Dad believes that these LOYAL games help children develop hand-ANKLE coordination and improve their learning LLAMAS, he also seems to think they have GREGARIOUS side effects on one's SCAPULA. Both of my TANDEM BICYCLES think this is due to an INTELLIGENT use of violence on the majority of the CATS. Finally, we all arrived at a SEXY compromise: After dinner I can play 9,992 hours of video games, provided I help clear the SWEAT and wash the iPADS.
Would You Rather
have a perfect photographic memory, or be able to see up to one day into the future?
Greg: I would rather see up to one day in the future because I have anxiety sometimes and it would be nice to know what’s coming!!
Stephen: I would rather have perfect photographic memory because if you see into the future too much, it can mess up your life. And the best place to live is NOW
Some questions with The Attire
Can you tell us about the creative process working on your two recent singles “Kool Aid” and “Something in the Water”?
Greg: Our debut single “Something in the Water” was written with our good friends The Aftrhrs. We flew out to California and spent two days in their little “hidden gem” studio in Calabasas. We wanted to write a song about falling the love, and that beautiful (but scary) feeling of losing all control as you fall deeper & deeper into it.
Stephen and I wrote Kool Aid together in his basement studio; we wanted to make an uplifting song that made people smile, especially during such difficult times with the Pandemic & Quarantine. We followed our theme of “falling in love” and we made this song about the beauty of making someone your everything!
What is your go-to Karaoke song?
Greg: “Don’t pull your love” by Hamilton, Joe Frank, and Reynolds… cause’ I’m an old soul… and the ladies like it 😎
Stephen: “Don’t stop believing” by Journey, because it makes me feel GOOD!
What's the dress code like to get into The Attire?
Both: The dress code is chique, 70’s inspired outfits… or whatever makes you feel sexy.
Is this your first musical venture?
Greg: No, Stephen and I were in a pop-punk band in high school together. It was epic!!!
Android or I-phone?
Both: I-Phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What was the catalyst that brought The Attire together?
Stephen: Us continuing to write together & hang out after our high school band broke up kept us together as musical partners & close friends - we knew we wanted to stay together and perform together, even if it was just us. Thus The Attire was born!
What is the current state of Yacht Rock in NYC? Are there any other projects you admire?
Greg: It’s sad to say that there aren’t many other projects that are doing Yacht Rock in NYC; however, it really allowed us the opportunity to make a name for ourselves with our music. And the best is that it’s music we genuinely love; all the blue eyed soul from the past like Hall & Oates, The Bee Gees, Genesis, Toto (and many more!) are huge inspirations to us. We live & breathe that stuff, and it’s such an incredible opportunity to continue that pop & soul in the New York area.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Both: Never give up. Live every day like it’s your last. Dreams come true. Where there is pain, there is healing. The human spirit is undefeated.