The Family Reviews

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Talking Heads | Remain In Light

Family Average: 6/7

Look below and see what the family had to say.

What can I say about Talking Heads that hasn’t already been said haha? I may find myself singing “You may find yourself” and I may ask myself “How did I get here?”, and then maybe saying out loud “oh yeah” this perfectly great album took me there. Was that confusing? Well, so are the Talking Heads. They’re unlike any other band that I like, and somehow these songs stand the test of time. The beats are just too damn catchy I guess!


This is where it all comes together. The Talking heads were hard at work pioneering a sound that was unlike what anybody else was making. On this record, we can hear the evolution of the sound of their record “Talking Heads: 77”. While that album deserves a lot of respect it is on “Remain In Light” That they finally hit their stride. Of all the elements working together, I am constantly blown away by the percussion on this album. From the frenzied rolls on the great curve to the steady thumping heard on “Seen and Not Seen” the drums never failed to impress me.


**No surprise, I wrote a lot, because I have a lot of thoughts. Feel free to skim.** 

Same as it ever was, same as it ever was…hard to imagine that this album is nearly 40 years old, if only because it remains so poignant. 

Coming out of the late-70s New York punk scene, Byrne teamed up with Eno to produce this palatable frenzy of art / post-punk / new wave noise.  A definite departure from the usual fodder. Carried by Byrne’s monotone narratives of alienation and confusion and complacency, it’s full of looping rhythms, glitches, and textured instrumentation.  And despite it’s experimental nature, it’s completely accessible. There’s something magnetic about it all.

A real classic to get us thinking about how we’re just floating through our monotonous lives. It’s meant to shake us up a bit. Not to be a downer, though, because it is a really, really good album.  


This is probably their magnum opus. The album progresses from their usual new wave sound into African influenced beats and rhythm. It’s extremely difficult to pick a favorite track.
