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Meet Spotlights
Crazy talented couple Sarah and Mario Quintero plus drummer, Chris Enriquez are Spotlights, a DIY dreamy-sludgy rock outfit hailing from Brooklyn. Their unique sonic descents into the void have hypnotized listeners and entranced Deftones’ frontman Chris Moreno back in 2016, leading to an invite to open for Deftones during their Summer tour.
Their latest, personally, and lovingly produced album, 2019’s Love & Decay, features an uncanny mixture of driving, dripping sonic sludge, mesmerizing echo-y vocals, and triumphant crescendos that nearly match Spotlights’ meteoric and continuing rise. Let’s get to know these guys a bit more in our latest interview.
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Would You Rather
be hugged by a very sweaty person for too long, or ride an elevator with someone who is farting a lot? Why?
I hug sweaty people all the time so I’ll take that over the farts. Unless they’re my own and my friends Mike P is in there with me.
Some questions with Spotlights
What was the last book you read? Did you like it?
"Astrophysics for people in a hurry" by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Yes I loved it.
If you could give yourself ten years ago any advice what would it be?
Well, since I read that book I know that time travel is impossible so I wouldn’t tell myself anything. Plus Im happy with my life choices thus far.
What does your family think about your music?
Some like it, some pretend to like it. But they all support it.
What was the creative process like working on your 2019 release ‘Love & Decay’?
Similar to our previous records where I write songs and demo them out in a basic manner, then send/show them to Sarah and Chris. We then recorded the album in our practice space, and then I mixed it at home. We work really well together in a recording setting so we don’t really bother practicing the songs before hand. That also allows for. Some creative freedom later in live performance of the songs.
How do you approach the use of fuzz and distortion?
We listen carefully to what’s coming out of the speakers. That’s really it. If it sounds good it is good. Sarah tends to layer some pedals sometimes too. Basically distortion and fuzz should make an impact and work to elevate a part not just muddy things up. I hear a lot of bands use too much on guitar especially and it makes the guitars sound small. Sometimes less is more. Unless you’re Sarah, in which case more is never enough.
How do you translate your sound to a live performance?
We practice.. :)
If your music was to play during a nature documentary what would be going on in the scene it was played for?
Flying over the most majestic mountains on earth or mars.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Be nice to each other and to all living things. Worry about your immediate surroundings first and foremost. Don’t let the talking heads and scrolling drama run your life. Realize that none of us are perfect and that we are all made of the same particles that make up the universe. Make art.