The Family Reviews

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Silvertone Hills | The Paperboy

Family Average: 4/7

Ontario band Silvertone Hills has jumped through the doors hot off their latest album release Follow Suit to deliver to us a brand new single. The band calls “The Paperboy”. How does the family feel about the concept of a paperboy? Has anyone in the family ever been a paperboy? What do you call a female paperboy? All these questions will most likely go unanswered, but you will get to hear what we had to say about this song.

Listen along on their Bandcamp and read on to find out:

At first I thought the vocals were going to get old, but as the instruments joined in and the song came together I found it more endearing. This song has an interesting mix of punk and alternative. It’s got a bit of a bounce to it, but in a sorta facetious way rather than a sunny way. There’s enough of a change-up throughout the composition to keep you engaged, but it’s got enough consistency to be some nice background noise. There’s definitely something here, but I feel like it just needs a bit more of a push to really sell itself. All the pieces are there, but they need something substantial to hold them together.


“The Paperboy” is a track that could have easily been on one of the mixed CDs I burned in high school, probably smushed between Franz Ferdinand and My Chemical Romance on a Sharpie written playlist. The single is interesting because it draws on a lot of styles and references. It’s definitely alt-indie, with some vaguely emo-pop vocals, and drips with a Queens of the Stone Age vibe. The melodies are pretty nice, albeit cyclical, while the call-and-response kind of vocals give the track more depth. It would have gotten a bit monotonous if not for the guitar solos. These much needed accents punch through an otherwise kinda bland track, giving it some oomph. All in all, I’d say it’s a solid interlude on a playlist suited for some half-baked high school brooding.


Ha gosh darn the first two times I heard this song I kept seeing that scene in my head where the paperboy chases John Cusack around in that flick Better Off Dead. Hehehe “I want my two dollars!”

Anywho, this was a pleasurable listen. Stand out parts of it include that guitar solo wew laddie love em short and sweet. I was getting heavy Galaxie 500 vibes from the singer that was doing the harmonies its a unique kind of sound so it kept stopping me every time I head it. The chorus was pretty darn catchy too I am a sucker for a “hey hey” verse also. All and all time well spent. I just hope that i this is part of a full album that it pushes their style to set them apart from a lot of other rock bands. Nothing wrong with doing what works (and doing it well) I just think they could stand to take a few risks.


This is one of those songs, like those chips that have a kinda stale taste in essence, but you can’t stop eating them and then you don’t notice the staleness. Likes there’s a feel to them that I wouldn’t typically like but it just got to me. It’s catchy. I was singing the chorus by the middle and especially on the second go around. Well thought out and strung together.


It’s not a diamond in the rough, but it’s surely halfway there and don't call me surely. Call and response has been around since ... well since music has been music but the problem with this example is that the "caller" in this situation sounds like the voice is lacking. What it’s lacking exactly is uncertain; possibly confidence?  Where’s the gusto? Where is the energy? What am I supposed to take away from this song? This song feels like a third world country; lacking a cohesive idea, leader with direction, and leaving me feeling in a state of perpetual unrest.


This song was nice.  I guess I would say they are pop rock/indie/even Folk. Some might call this college rock. Good composition and production and probably has mass appeal.  Their sound is familiar, maybe Wilco or Counting Crows? Although it was a decent song and had all the necessary elements I just felt it lacked energy and emotion.  Overall a decent track. I give this
