Shep Treasure
Photo by, Alex Nicholls
Meet Shep Treasure
Now more than ever it is so important to share art, make connections, and find some respite in expression. If you’re in need of a healthy dose of introspection, authenticity, and the sheer beauty of making music with your friends, give Shep Treasure a listen. This project delivers twinkling tunes that deal with notions of changing times — something we can all relate to right now.
Below, we talk about Rochester’s music scene, supportive audiences, and remind you to BE NICE TO EACH OTHER.
PRIME TIME GOSSIP: A Mad-lib by, Shep Treasure
Handsome ALEX NICHOLLS and his co-ANIMATOR, the WOODEN TINA raised SHINS when they were seen kissing GENTLY at the screening of their SPARKLY TV movie. The WET couple denies it's a romance; they say they are just CLEAR friends.
Here's another BLOODY tidbit... love must be in the GUN MARIO LOPEZ and CLAIRE McCLUSKY who had only SOFT words for each other last week were seen holding DVDs and whispering in each other's GUTS at this week's benefit for adopted WOLVES.
Would You Rather
get a full back tattoo of Garfield or Alf? Please explain why.
Garfield because I read his comics sometimes in the newspapers when I was younger and I don’t know who Alf is. Garfield is funny and a great, genuine person and I've seen his movie tons of times, and at one point I had the same shower curtain as Jon so I would get a tattoo of Garfield.
Some questions with shep treasure
What is the music scene like up in Rochester? Have you noticed any changes in the last couple of years?
Rochester has an amazing and supportive music scene, which I've noticed not every town has. It’s easy to make friends by just going to shows in Rochester, and people are very supportive when you start a new project. I met most of my friends from hanging out in the music scene in Roc. The only changes I've noticed in the past couple of years are house venues and the VIneyard closing, but places like Small World Books, Bug Jar, Spirit Room, UUU Art Collective and more have covered those closings as far as setting up DIY shows. Also, some people I knew from the music scene moved out of Rochester so that was a change for me at least.
What is one thing you would want to change about the music industry?
Allow artists to be paid decently for their music streams is one thing.
Who was the first audience that you ever played? How did it go?
The first audience I played as Shep Treasure was very supportive and laughed, with me, I think. It was a show that I hopped on last-minute at the Bug Jar in Rochester. There were a lot of changes to that show last minute. Attic Abasement was supposed to play but then couldn't:( but some awesome other people still played, like Ben and Katie Morey did a nice set and so did Free Cake for Every Creature who I love.
How do you feel about the reception to your latest release "Shep Treasure"?
It was more than I was expecting!
Does the fish on the cover of your latest release “shep treasure” have a name? What is it?
Yes, his name was Domingo. I had him for three years and at 4 different houses.
What is the most comfortable pair of shoes you own?
Probably the same stinky pair I wear every day.
Have you ever been stung by a bee? If so what happened?
Yes, I stepped in a bee hole in the ground while picking wild raspberries and was stung in the ankle. My foot swelled up big and I had to ride my bike a half-hour home, suffering.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Times are weird, be kind to each other + earth.