Matthew Danger Lippman | Sadomania (EP)

Sadomania EP by Matthew Danger Lippman

Family Average: 3/7


We’ve got a new EP from the one and only Matthew Danger Lippman. Contrary to what you may think, this piece of work is completely safe for auditory consumption. No ears or any other body parts have or will be harmed in the listening of Lippman’s work. 

Self-described as slacker glam soul and hip-hop punk, Lippman is chock full of something and we’re not sure what it is, exactly. That being said, this New York native has got something good up his sleeve. 

Read on to see what the family had to say about his most recent release, Sadomania (thats pronounced “SAY-DOE-MANIA” my friends. Say it with me. Thank me later).


I can get behind what this fellah is putting down. There is a whole lot of love in what they are making. They clearly have a lot of love for rock music and it’s many iterations. They have a real knack for dredging up bygone trends and motifs and then through the use of lightning and magic resurrect them into new forms.

It brings my brain over to acts Ariel Pink, and Ty segall. In line with these acts Mr. Lipman also maintains a dizzying amount of positive energy throughout the entire ten minute EP. 

There is a little less variety and oddities than on their 2018 release “”ILL.””. That being said this is not too surprising considering it is only an EP. A lot less room to play around, so they cut right to the chase. On the whole I would say I enjoyed this latest release a good bit.



Few people can actually say “Danger” is their middle name, which makes me question if Matthew Danger Lippman ever pursued stunts or a life of crime or rode a motorcycle. It further begs the question what would compel someone to name their child “Danger” if they were not setting them up for a life of showmanship. 

AnYwAy, Lippmann lives up to his showy middle name with a pretty solid display of musical prowess. His three track EP Sadomania comes in swinging with a title undoubtedly meant to turn heads and bend some ears. The work is eclectic: the songs span genres, dipping into glam, punk, and even some folky kinda stuff. They vary in length, from pithy to indulgent. Throughout it all, the instruments sort of crash into each other and punch each other’s lights out while Lippman’s vocal harmonies float above the fracas. Like he is trying to soothe out all the chaos and distortion.  

Lyrically, Lippman grapples with notions of doubt, anxieties and ended relationships. Combined with his softer vocals, these themes make for an interesting juxtaposition with the more assured music.  I appreciate the twinkling moments of guitar, the sharp hooks, and the overall energy of it. 

I can imagine this would be a nice set to see live --  shoulder to shoulder with everyone in the crowd, feet sticking to a crumby wood floor, heads bobbing along as we all sweat out this humid, soupy, Manhattan summer. 
