The Family Reviews

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Rolling Stones | Time Waits For No One (Single)

Family Average: 6/7

Daddy has finally found his way back home! After slogging through album after album of strange and unpleasant sounds we finally threw him a much deserved bone. It is the Rolling Stones folks! Hang on though this may not be the stones you are used to bopping your head to. This is a sometimes overlooked phase of their journey as a band. The defining feature of this incarnation being the now missing member Mick Taylor. Take a trip down memory lane with us as we look at one of Mick Taylor’s best guitar songs.

Look below and see what the family had to say.

In my opinion “Rock and Roll” released in 1974 was the final album produced by the “Rolling Stones” as I knew them.  This is of course the year that Mick Taylor and Nick Hopkins left the band. The new line up with Ronnie Wood went on the produce great music, but the sound was different, a departure from the “Exile on Main Street” era.

This particular Rollings Stones song gets very little air-play; therefore, it gives folks the rare opportunity, to sort of hear it for the first time. It has all of the elements of a classic stones song, Mick’s vocals, Keith’s poignant lyrics and Mick Taylor’s brilliant guitar work.  I especially love this track because it demonstrates Mick Taylor’s skills as a guitar soloist. He threads his notes with the precision of a neurosurgeon taking his solo to a perfect crescendo. His guitar playing is so fluid, the notes resonate, in perfect succession, seeming to peel from his fingertips without effort. It just doesn't get any better than this.

7/7 “Drink in your summer, gather your corn The dreams of the night time will vanish by dawn” 

Patty Maldjian:  “Time waits for No One” by the Rolling Stones, is a musical and lyrical masterpiece that is all too often overlooked.  The guitar work of Mick Taylor is really powerful and hypnotic. The layering of the piano and percussion along with the other instruments and vocals are different from other Stone songs. Add to this some killer lyrics like “Time can tear down a building or destroy a woman's face, hours are like diamonds don't let them waste!” and you have here an amazing rock song that deserves much more attention.


I will never not like the Rolling Stones. Every time I listen to one of their albums, I am quite literally carried off into some rose-tinted reverie. "Time Waits for No One" is a lesser-known but incredible piece of work within their catalogue. It's slower and softer than their popular stuff, but has got such a lovely tenor and pace it's a shame it gets overlooked (Side note: I think this is probably the calmest Charlie Watts ever was...?) Lyrically, it's pretty simple; poignant and poetic, but it's the heart-crushing guitar solo that makes the track so potent.  

Maybe if Mick Taylor and Keith Richards didn't have a spat we'd have had more beauty's like this one.


It might just be because this is one of the few Stones songs I have not heard over six-thousand times, but I really took a shine to this track. It also could have some to do with the stunning guitar work by our dear Mick Taylor.
