Wild times at Our Wicked Lady with Michelle LoBianco
By Sean Maldjian, Contributor
All photos by, Michelle LoBianco
Photo by, Michelle LoBianco
Meet Our Wicked Lady (OWL)
Since 2015 Our Wicked Lady has been a bar that was founded with the artists themselves in mind. Known for their summertime rooftop concerts, artist’s studio spaces, and stellar tacos Our Wicked Lady has made a huge impact on the NYC arts community. In our latest interview, we sat down with the fantastic photographer Michelle LoBianco (@brooklynelitist) to chat about the venue.
Right now Our Wicked Lady is running a fundraiser to help keep the doors open in the future. Check it out here, or perhaps buy one of their amazing sweatshirts here.
Photo by Michelle LoBianco
Do you love or hate the bar at Our Wicked Lady? Why?
I have mixed feelings about the bar at OWL because some of my best friends work there but it gets so packed they basically need an army of bartenders on a regular night.
Photo by Michelle LoBianco
Where is the best place to eat after seeing a show at Our Wicked Lady?
I would just eat at OWL, they have some legendary tacos and wings at the bar that have really stepped up into that next level.
Photo by Michelle LoBianco
What is your favorite genre or kind of artist to photograph?
I typically like a gritty punk show but the Summer Soul Fest was definitely a blast. I would say I enjoy The Advertisers Show and Duke of Vandals shows the most at OWL.
Photo by Michelle LoBianco
At concerts what camera do you shoot with most often?
I usually pack 3 cameras to shoot- sometimes 4 if it's a band I am paid to shoot - Canon MKIII, Yaschica T4, and a Holga with a flash, Olympus slide face.
Photo by Michelle LoBianco
If Our Wicked Lady had a perfume what would it smell like?
This question really makes me laugh - it would smell like Irish Spring and Whisky for sure - maybe hints of leather.
Photo by Michelle LoBianco
What other photographers' work has influenced you most?
I would say Juergen Teller/ Bruce Gilden for aesthetic and Luigi Ghirri for patience and composition.
Photo by Michelle LoBianco
What kind of crowd does Our Wicked Lady attract?
OWL attracts all the homies - the vibe is very at home and most bands practice in the OWL studios and live nearby. So many bands support each other and the venue supports the whole scene. It’s a wonderful gem and they surely deserve all and any support for everything they've done and to this day continue to do with their OWL TV series.
Photo by Michelle LoBianco
Any final comments about Our Wicked Lady?
I think it's important to thank Our Wicked Lady for all the shows they curated, all the support and love they bring to the music scene, and I just want to say the venue is very close to my heart and continues to be.
Photo by Michelle LoBianco