The Family Reviews

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Yohuna | Mirroring

Family Average: 4/7

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? 

Who knows. Doesn’t matter. That queen was off her rocker and mirrors are weird. Most of them are wonky and warped anyway. But you know what isn’t? This album by Brooklyn’s own Yohuna (that’s pronounced, yo-HUN-ah).

Yohuna’s latest album is a reflection (see what I did there?) of her dreamy sensibility and poignant songwritng. These intimate songs are introspective with soaring synth arrangements, guaranteed to get you seeing things. Like a man in the mirror. Or your face. 

What did the family think? Look below and see what they had to say.

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Wow, always excited to hear a female singer songwriter and Yohuna did not disappoint me! Some tracks had me reminiscing for Natalie Merchant and 10,000 Maniacs. Dreamy vocals matched with well defined lyrics as well as killer arrangements result in track after track that hit the mark and blow you away.

I can't really pick a favorite because I literally liked every song, but I have to agree with Sean. For some reason "Find a quite place" just struck a cord with me the most.  

As a yogi that enjoys music, I am always looking to incorporate new artists into my playlists to increase their exposure. This is definitely one of those artists.  I will be following her and anxiously await what she does next! 


We have some real spaced out soft rock kicking around on this one. Someone put me inside of a pillowcase and threw me down a staircase that was also made of pillowcases. Now I find myself falling into the soft oblivion. I use this soft sinking metaphor because while this album is a gentle one almost all of the tracks lay into you with gut punches of sadness. Fwoom, bang, pow, and I go down.

The songs take on a form resembling dreamy synth pop outfits from the 1990’s. My mind is flashing back to bands that also drenched their songs with emotions. Acts like Lisa Germano, and Blonde Redhead. I find myself drawn to the songs on the album that are a little more spaced out. That is mostly why I land on “Find A Quite Place” as my favorite track of the album. There is just something about this artist’s vocal quality that only gets better when stretched out. 

All and all I had a pretty swell time with this record. I am looking forward to checking out a show any time they play NYC in the future.


This is a really lovely synth pop situation. It’s shimmery and breathy and laden with reverb. It ebbs and flows, as if you’re taking deep breaths,  and feels emotional and expressive. I appreciate the way in which she mixes the grandiose string work with weird moments of guitar, layering in other steady instruments and echoed vocals. It’s got a heck of a lot of texture, and just feels nice. The lyrics are introspective, and add to the whimsical sound. She dives into the usual sort of breakup/relationship fodder, but seems to do so with a certain maturity and hindsight that doesn’t feel cliché. Overall, it’s bright and buoyant, is carried by light melodies, and skew towards a softer sort of shoegaze. Definitely gives off a summer vibe, with its threading guitar and airy feel, and is definitely my cup of tea.
