Lily Konigsberg
Photo provided by, Lily Konigsberg
Meet Lily Konigsberg
You may remember Lilly Konigsberg from back when we had interviewed their band Palberta. If not now is just as good a time to introduce you to this fantastic musician. Under their solo work, Lily Konigsberg’s work is honed in on crafting infectious melodies. All the while they hold on to their innovative and experimental ideas making for a fun and engaging listen. Get to know Lily in our latest interview as we chat about their latest release, driving, and inspirations.
A Self-Portrait by Lily Konigsberg
Would You Rather
only be able to communicate with Morse code or dolphin noises?
Dolphin noises. I can already do that.
Some Questions with Lily Konigsberg
Did you go through any musical phases in high school? Has it in any way shaped what you are making now?
Yes I listened to Elliott Smith for 4 years straight and had a big Liz Phair stage. Also a ton of Lucina Williams, Kid Cudi, and Kanye.
After releasing music with Palberta for numerous years, what inspired you to create your own work?
I’ve been making my own music on and off since I was a really young kid. Palberta taught me how to be a fearless performance. The friendship boosted my confidence and creativity so it felt like the right time to make a bigger move with my solo work. I have a release from pretty much every year since 2015 if you look at my bandcamp.
What has been keeping you creatively fulfilled and inspired during the pandemic?
Collaboration. At the beginning I was making a lot of music with Ani (palberta, shimmer, etc) under the name Forever. You can find our 5 releases on youtube. Now i’ve finished an album with Nate Amos (water from you eyes, this is lorelei) and we are working on the next one. So yeah, it seems like collaboration has saved me.
How does your creative process differ when writing in a band versus a solo project?
With Palberta it’s a 3 part creative process. We have to communicate and listen to each other to achieve our music. When I’m writing alone and I am way more of a perfectionist. It’s also a very solitary and quiet process at first. It’s harder in that I have to be alone with my brain, but it is really crazy and fun.
Did you ever get grounded growing up? If so why?
Hmm, the thing is I was really good at deceiving the adults around me. I’ve come clean about some of the things that would have gotten me grounded but others I will take to the grave. That sounds like I killed someone. You’ll never know.
Do you drive? Are you a good driver?
I’m a great driver.
What was the creative drive behind your March release "It's Just Like all the Clouds"?
I’d been painstakingly working on recording 15 songs for years and I could only settle on 4 at the moment. I would like to thank Paco Cathcart (the cradle) for dealing with me. He recorded all of it. It was basically a way to get some of it out. I am confident that my next release will be banging and a full length.