The Family Reviews

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LCD Soundsystem | Sounds Of Silver

Family Average: 6/7

Dust off the old converse and grab some brightly colored wayfarers (reflective lenses are preferred). We’re taking a look back at one of the *objectively* best electronic dance albums in history. 

Defying a genre and a certain brand of mid-Aughts hipster angst, Sound of Silver is the second release from the one and only Mr. James Murphy (that’s actually a pretty common name, but you get me).

This iconic album solidified his place within the festival sets, and our hearts. Look below and see what the family had to say.

LCD Sound-systems. They grabbed the music business by the boots, turned it upside down and shook the dust off of it. This music is original, innovative, imaginative and inspiring. They created sometime that was unlike anything before them and they did it well.    


My introduction to this album was listening to my brother play it while he drove us around in high school. This album really opened up sounds for me. Specifically the sounds of this dance-punk genre. It is such an important album, it was nice to have a reason to listen to it again. This album has inspired a lot of doodles, watercolors, and poems of mine throughout the years. 

Every single song makes you dance, there are no duds. Not only do they make you dance, but the lyrics have also always struck me, made me really think. It's kind of cool because its like dance music but also thinking music. There are two different types of songs on this album, there are the ones that make you dance the whole time and then the ones that build. I tend to really like the ones that build. “Someone Great;” one of those that builds; is an incredible piece of music lyrically and sonically, and then there’s “All My Friends,” another grower that always gets to me with those lyrics. And goodness what an ending with “New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down.” 


When I first heard this way back when (in middle school maybe?), my brain was cracked wide open. It’s twinkly and weird and electric and just so nice. This was a release chock full of anthems for many, reviving new wave and 80s moments, mixing them up with a lot of self-consciousness, introspection, and noises. It’s an interesting one for sure.

I also have to agree with Meghan — “New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Down” is about one of the most poignant and apt songs of my existence at the moment. An excellent lament. 
