Photo by, Savanna Ruedy
Meet LazyLazy
As someone who has no problem spending days without leaving the bed, I immediately connected with the name of this project. In addition to appealing to my inner sloth LazyLazy is also a delightfully charming alternative poppy project. Helmed by Avinoam the project is fresh and full of life. They have a new music video out (below) and a bunch of other cool stuff on the way.
In our latest interview, we sat down with Avinoam and talked about all kinds of cool stuff like colors, fortune cookies and being lazy. Take a look.
A self-portrait by, LazyLazy
Would You Rather
only be able to talk in fortune cookies, or backward? Why?
Def backward. I think it'd be hard to say anything with fortune cookies because they’re so vague. Plus talking backward would force people to really try and process what I'm saying. Like that thing where people comprehend what they’re reading better if it’s written in a less legible font.
Some questions with LazyLazy
What is it like playing with a sibling? What do your parents think of the project?
Having Akiva play drums with me is the best; we’ve played together since we were little kids so we’ve developed a sort of innate musical understanding. When I’m stressed about how a song will sound I always know if we just play through it together it’ll sound cool.
My parents like the project! My dad hates the name though.
Describe your sound in three colors.
A dark blue and a soft orangeish red with a black outline
What is the laziest you have ever been?
Maybe when I eat raw veggie dogs wrapped in cold tortillas with mustard bc I don’t wanna wash any dishes
What was the best encounter you had with a fan?
Honestly anytime someone who isn’t a friend or a friend of a friend mentions lazylazy on instagram or comments on a youtube vid it feels pretty damn great
What is the best drinking game to play with people? (have you ever invented one?)
My friends play this game they call beerball where whoever finishes their drink first wins, but you can only drink between the time you hit the other team’s can with a ping pong ball and when they retrieve the ball. It’s a good game cuz the more you win the harder it becomes to win.
What do you like best about the NYC music scene?
I like how it makes me feel like a character out of Meet Me in the Bathroom (the book, not the song)
What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people order cinnamon raisin bagels
What is the meaning behind “buddy”?
There was a time two winters ago when I was pretty down and had very little energy and the pipes in my apartment had frozen so there was no running water and I was dehydrated af. This song is more or less about that.
Which was better Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network?
I barely watched tv as a kid so I’m not qualified to answer this question
What do you hope listeners will take from your upcoming EP?
I hope they’ll listen to it at night right before they go to sleep with headphones on and all the lights turned off, maybe just a candle or two burning, and I hope it gives them that feeling of being swallowed by a different world. But also if they just listen to it on the subway on the way to work or school or something that’s super cool too.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.
Stay lazy ♡