King Saturday
Photo by, Michael Barolet
Meet King Saturday
Hail to the king baby! Any Evil Dead fans around? It is getting close to Halloween after all so why not make some classic horror movie references. Anyway on to our new terrific friend. King Saturday is the wholesome homegrown folk project from the mind of Connor Duffy. Through their music, Connor’s whispy singing style and light fingerpicking take you through vast fields of wheat. All the while reminding you that things are going to be OK. Get to know them in our latest interview.
A self-portriat by, King Saturday
Would You Rather
have the power to make things you touch turn invisible or shrink?
The power to shrink things would definitely come in handy, especially if I could un-shrink things too. Can you imagine the storage solutions? I could drive a car, and then just put it in my pocket. Pretty sweet.
Some questions with King Saturday
How did you come to your style of writing lyrics? Are there any influences you see in your work?
Nowadays I just try to keep it simple. I try to not use words that have more than three syllables, rhyme (a lot), and above all else have a clear idea of what the song is about before I start writing it. As Willie Nelson once sang: “You can’t make a record if you ain’t got nothing to say / You can’t play music if you don’t know nothing to play.”
From a strictly musical standpoint, Elliott Smith seems to continually shine through. When I was a kid I was absolutely obsessed with his music, and learned tons of his songs on guitar and piano. There was a period of time where I would always fall asleep listening to those first three records. I think his music still influences me on a subconscious level, if nothing else.
If your music was a sandwich, what would it be? Why?
I’d say a BLT is pretty accurate. When your ingredients are limited, the quality of each component is very exposed—so you better have some really good bread and a really nice tomato.
What are the perks of being King of all the Saturdays?
Rock ’n’ roll all night and party every day.
If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?
As a consumer, I frankly wouldn’t change a thing. It seriously amazes me how much music you can access through streaming services, especially having grown up in a time and place when people used to drive an hour to go to Tower Records and a CD cost twenty bucks. However, as a creator/producer of music, I think it’s pretty uncontroversial to say that the current royalty model these services offer is pretty skewed. Of course, creativity and adaptability is crucial to survive in any industry—now more than ever. So basically, I don’t really want to complain, because there’s always going to be obstacles. Crisis or opportunity, right?
What is the feeling you want people to walk away from after listening to your latest single “Friend of Mine”?
Comfort and optimism. Times are tough, and I think the hardest thing for a lot of people right now is the isolation from friends and family. But I think it’s important to remind yourself that yes, we will get through this . . . and when this is all finished—whenever that may be—there’s going to be an explosion of activity, and hopefully a really big party with lots of high fives and breathing in each other’s faces.
What draws you towards a more intimate production style?
For the most part, necessity. I live in Manhattan, and my space is pretty small. One day I would love to make a big loud record, really let it rip—but now is not the time. I also think stripping things down is the ultimate test of your material, so I like to see how my music stands up to the test of working within that aesthetic.
What are your top five favorite animals?
1. Great Blue Herons
2. Wild Turkeys
3. Llamas
4. Any weird little frog
5. Zach Galifianakis - did you see Baskets?? That dude is incredible.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Vote. Just seriously, please vote. I think we could all go the rest of our lives without ever seeing that face or hearing that voice again. Let’s get that dude out of here and get on with our lives!