The Family Reviews

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ICY | Saweetie

Family Average: 5/7

Welcome one and all to another family pick of the week. This weeks pick comes to us from our dearest Nell Dobbs. Our very first family pick from outside the immediate family! Nell you truly are a trailblazer. Okay a little about the album. Lovers of shiny, sweet and cold things rejoice we have an album for you. Saweetie is here and making some glossy rap music. Glossy is an appropriate term only because the entire album plays like it has been Bedazzled to an entire new plane of existence. Strap in everybody its going to be a dazzling ride.

Look below and see what the family had to say.

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This album is the content that I needed in 2019. Saweetie’s lyrics are powerful, spunky, and quick-witted. Her unswerving confidence is made for a night out with your girls or stunting on an ex. You can see a clear evolution over the course of this year since her last album, High Maintenance. Every song on ICY fucking bangs--the beats are perfection. Quavo also features on two of her tracks and really compliments her style.

The album fires up with the first track “Trick” which is probably my favorite song on ICY. The hardness of the beat makes for great pump-up music. The track is essentially about treating a man like he’s disposable similarly to his income. She raps clever and bad ass one-liners like, “Ownership of all my shit or I don’t sign the dotted line”. Quavo kicks off the next song “Tip Toes” which has a playful he said, she said structure. This song is another favorite because of the contrast of Quavo and Saweetie’s lyrical flow. In her verse she raps, “Put him in the dog house then fuck up his bank account.” Her tenacious and empowering lyrics are instantly gratifying. The last honorable mention on this album is “Dipped in Ice”. This is the Hot Girl™ anthem. This is what you enter the club to. The way she exudes confidence is contagious and that’s why I love her and this new album.


The album “ICY” by Saweetie had me reminiscing about one of Meghan’s classic mix discs for the car or soccer warm ups! Much like one of Meghan’s discs every song is a winner.  One of the things I have enjoyed about “The Family Reviews” has been exposure to a wide variety of artists I probably would not have listened too. I especially love that we have had so many talented female artists.  Saweetie is for sure at the top of the list. Her lyrics are classic and yet fresh and brand new. She grabs a hold of you right away with “Trick” and never lets you come up for air. Much like binge watching a netflix show I just kept anxiously waiting for the next track to start.

Not only are her lyrics compelling and relatable her vocals are matched perfectly with the beats and instrumentals in each song. Everything going on musically is there to support her voice and message. Love the attention to detail on every track. It truly makes the music, whether you like rap/hip hop or not, so enjoyable.   I like all the tracks but I think “Trick” , “Tip Toes” and definitely “1 of 1” would stand out as my favorites.


Full disclosure: I am not a fan of Rap music, I would rather not listen to it, I find the simple, mindless, silly rhyming a bit annoying. How many things rhyming with Dick and Bitch, apparently a whole lot of things do. Break it down, Break it down, Oh Oh Ut Oh, Ut Oh, keep it tight make it Pop, alright. Surprisingly I didn’t hate this compilation. It sounded very similar to older hip hop rap produced by NWA and Salt and Pepper, so I am guessing this is mainstream rap produced for suburban white kids and older people like me. Saweetie sounded like Easy E to my untrained ear, so I was surprised to say it sounded familiar to me, and I found myself grooving to the beat. The music, bass and drums, were well balanced with the vocals so the arrangement sounds nice.  Overall it was quality stuff, and I can appreciate that.

The opening track, “Trick” was an attention grabber and well place at the beginning of the composition, it set the tone for the whole album. The second track “Tip Toes” was also fun, I like the blending of the girl and guy vocals. I also like the fact that the tracks are short and sweet, this appeals to my attention deficit disorder, especially when it come to rap, I get impationate if a sound drone on for too long. “I'm the one of one I don't feel no competition”. “Talk a lot of shit like I got a big dick”. I have to admit it is catchy and it get the point across. Saweetie is direct straight at you with her message and I respect that, Yo.

Happy to say I think I may be warming up to Main Stream Rapp. Peace


Saweetie = beats, bars, and badbitchness.

Every single beat on this album is yes. In the first track, “Trick,” the beat is bomb from the beginning I hear like hints of violins in there if I’m not mistaken, like haunted mansion meets haunted carnival music. On top of those beats she’s got some bars. These lyrics and her attitude, empowering, no fucks given, from start to finish.

She’s got Quavo on two tracks too, ookay.

“Tip Toes” being the first Quavo feature, another gooood beat, with that base.

Her beats don’t just bump, they’re different, creative. The beat in “My Type” reminds me of some mid 90s Usher, Lil Jon type business but modern.

“Emotional” is such an important track, and I’m here for it. She’s still got her confidence and attitude but shows a little bit of a softer side and admits that she’s emotional, but still completely empowered, and did I mention she is singing.  Her lyrics showi that its okay to be emotional, to have emotions, and to show them cus you can still be a baddie.

“Dipped In Ice” just oozes straight excellence.

The beats, the beats, I just can’t get over them, the last two tracks are perfect displays of all that energy she’s got running consistently throughout this album, with those beats and those lyrics. Confidence and badness.
