The Family Reviews

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Photo by, Judson Valdez

Meet Hypoluxo

Are any of you fine readers from the far away land of Hypoluxo, Florida? Apparently this place exists. Google tells me it is an excellent Palm Beach location. Real estate prices look decent. Lots of condos. 

Also, it is apparently the home of the “Barefoot Mailman.” Please do explain. 

Brooklyn’s Hypoluxo may or may not know of this naked footed mail person. However, they do make some fantastically cool, shoegazey, dreamy tunes. If y’all are into honeyed melodies and some funky guitar lines, check these fellahs out.

Below, we talk all things sweet (and sour), gardening dreams, and political slogans.

Kick off your shoes and get comfy, this one’s a goodie.

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EAT, DRINK, AND BE SICK, a Mad-lib with Hypoluxo

Marco: An inspector from the Department of Health and OTTAWA Services paid a surprise visit to our GRUMPY school cafeteria. The lunch special, prepared by our SMELLY dietician, was spaghetti and MINION-balls with a choice of either a SWAMP salad or French POTATOES. The inspector found the meat-BUTTERFLIES to be overcooked and discovered a live DONKEY in the fries, causing him to have a BELLY BUTTON .ache. In response, he threw up all over the MOUNTAINS. In his report, the inspector TENDERLY recommended that the school cafeteria serve only nutritious SPIKES as well as low-calorie CANTALOUPES, and that all of the saturated WANDS be eliminated. He rated the cafeteria a S-minus.

Would you rather

have two cats for feet or two very small wheels for feet? Also please tell us why.

Eric: Wheels so I can give people rides to their place

Some Questions With Hypoluxo

Do you have any rituals or routines before a live performance?

Sam: I always try to go potty before we start

If you could compare your music to one dish which would it be and why?

Sam: sweet and sour chicken. First it’s sour then it’s sweet

How long could you do a handstand for?

Sam: I’ve never done a handstand

If you had a magic walkie talkie that could only talk to one person dead or alive who would it be?

Sam: Andre the Giant. Seemed like a really nice guy and also knew how to party

What was the most fun you had during a live performance?

Sam: Probably a warehouse show in Atlanta. It was packed and everyone was dancing. Always the best feeling when people get into it. 

What is your stance on canned margaritas?

 Sam: I rather not but sometimes we have to take what we can get 

Do you think the NYC music scene inspires more collaboration or competition?

Sam: Honestly both. There are musicians in this city that play in 4-5 bands which is insane. Collaboration is huge in this city but also every band is fighting for the support shows. I don’t think the competition is an aggressive thing at all I just think every band has to look out for themselves in the end. 

Is there a period in music you feel you draw a lot of influence from? What draws you to the sound?

 Sam: I think my music influence is very much scattered. I do think the post-punk scene right now in Europe is incredible. Bands like Shame, Idles, Squid, Viagra Boys, etc have somehow got me out of my comfort zone. Our music has changed a lot in the past year and it’s because I do believe I found my voice through finding the music I truly do think is special 

Which would you prefer to have a garden or a fish tank? What would you have in each?

Sam: I would prefer a garden for sure. I would be making a veggie stir fry every night. If I did have a fish tank I would want a starfish probably cause it’s funny when they suction onto the glass 

What is the one sound you can not stand to hear? 

Sam: a fire alarm. I know they are very much needed but ugh they are so loud. Mine goes off anytime we use our stove practically and we’ve never had a fire (fingers crossed)

What are your most important values as a musician? 

Sam: Play and write music that you enjoy. If you aren’t having fun creating it what’s the point. 

If you were running for mayor what would your slogan be?

Sam: pot for potholes

Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.) 

Sam: sorry we took so long to do this