The Family Reviews

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Photo by Andre Nguyen.

Do you need some sassy sassy rock in your life? Yeah? Well, we all do. Enter Godcaster, some of the sassiest sassy sassy rockers that we have had the pleasure to listen to, see live, and meet. It’s rare for a band to outshine their record with a live performance, but having had the pleasure of catching them at Berlin in NYC, we can attest to their showmanship and levels of aforementioned sass. This 5-piece experimental-rock band hooked us with their funk-rock fusion and impressive flute skills. Below we chatted all things motivation, superpowers, and the Ed Sullivan show. Obviously.

Listen along on Godcaster’s Bandcamp, peep their latest single, and check out our review of their demo!

How long have you been making music?

10 years plus. We've played together since we were little and called ourselves a band before any of us knew how to play an instrument.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

God and all His creations and their creations. 

What keeps you motivated to keep on creating?


What was the intention with your demo?

Get reviewed the Family Reviews! Achievement unlocked.

Where do you see you and your music going in the next few years?

Top of the charts, top of the pops. Hopefully on the Ed Sullivan Show, or getting reviewed by the Family Reviews.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be (doesn’t need to be music related)?

My superpower would be staying awake (forever) without having to sleep!

What kind of messages do you try to get across with your sound?

To asexually reproduce.

What was the last concert you went to that really inspired you?


Who is your favorite member of The Family Reviews?


Any final comments?

To judge the merit of a man, ask not what he knows, ask but what he loves. 

Dont forget to rock!