Franco Esteve | The Wait


Family Average: 4/7

The wait is over! We have reviewed Franco Esteve's single, The Wait. Esteve has followed us on instagram for a bit, and so we were excited when we finally got to review one of his pieces!

Listen along on Spotify and hear what the fam had to say:


So, I actually really like this. It made me simultaneously relaxed but also borderline stressed out. Have you ever seen the art installation film The Clock by Christian Marclay? It’s a 24-hour compilation of clocks documenting the passage of time, in real time. It’s mental and puts you in this weird state of anticipation, relaxation, and frustration. That’s what this song does to me! There’s something really beautiful about the sychronization of all the instruments -- it’s almost mechanical. It feels like an interlude, but also a suspension. I was both transfixed and frozen in time, left to endure the slow and grating process of watching the minute hand of a giant clock tick by.  



(while cooking Kate dinner) I...I don't know. It kind of sounded like a soundtrack of a horror daytime TV show set in space. Like, I could see it as a scene when the actors are walking through a creepy space forest. The suspense is building and building like something is about to happen. Then nothing happens. I was expecting more changes and tension, but it was mostly the same chords for over three minutes.

There was one moment when a high string came in, but it went away. I wish there was a bit more of that, you know? A bit more variety. That would have made the song more exciting. What can I say? I mean, it's not like it was terrible, but I would never listen to it on my own. It's got its own genre, and its own audience. I'm just not it.



Woah boy the wait is over! Never before have I ever heard a song that was more appropriately named. The methodical plucking of the strings accompanied by the slow dragging across other string instruments (maybe a violin or cello I really don’t know) Oh but it just does so well to capture the feeling of waiting. Anxiety building while you stand in the meeting spot where your friend was supposed to meet you, but now they’re an hour late and something is wrong. I guess my horrible attempt at creating a scene for you just there can be attributed to the fact that this song has a very cinematic feeling to it. Some other stuff that I could see the music accompanying is a person riding a train, or a bunch of spiders building a rocket to the moon. All and all I had a good time. Any time a song makes me visualise cool stuff I am happy to give it my time. Let's hear some more my man!



I read the title before listening and thought "oh I wonder what he's waiting for". Then you listen and you realize its trying to capture the literal feeling of waiting. At least I think that's what's trying to be achieved here and if so I appreciate it! Then again, I went to art school, so maybe I just critique everything like there's a deeper meaning behind it.

I definitely would not choose to listen to this on my own accord, but if I found it playing in the background of a yoga class (like Yoga Patty's at I would find it fitting. It's not disruptive, just flows in the same monotonous way.



I do not usually gravitate to this type of music but I must say I found this interesting and quite enjoyable. Although this was an instrumental, the artist is definitely creating a story with his music. I loved how at certain moments the instruments seemed to be talking back and forth with each other. I loved the sadness conveyed by the violins. I give this:
