Extra Special
Photo by, Extra Special
Extra Special
Extra Special is the emotional rocky poppy project of Amelia Bushell. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy, but always sincere the project makes me feel okay in a strange world. The Brooklyn-based musical endeavor tackles the complex woes of modern romance setting them to a polished but grounded pop soundtrack. Get to know the fantastic artist in our latest interview.
“TV VIEWING TIPS” A Fill in the Blank With Extra Special
"Everybody Loves EUGENE": Tonight we learn what happens to a MAJESTIC husband when he forgets it's his anniversary and invites his buddies over to the house for an all-night BUTLER party.
"Monday Night BELLY BUTTON Ball": The New York BOOKS play the St. Louis HOT WHEELS in a game that will decide who goes to the PUTRID Bowl.
"60 BALLOONS": Investigates the OLD-FASHIONED practice of laundering counterfeit RATS through VELVET banks in the CALLAHAN Islands.
“State of the KFC Speech”: The President is scheduled to deliver his ORGASMIC.address before an ANNOYING session of Congress, telecast from the House of NAIL TECHNICIANS.
Would You Rather
be able to smell the future or hear into the past? Please explain why.
Hear into the past. That way I can call people out on misinformation they spew about things that happened, and I could hear the voices of people I miss, and I could feel the same way that someone made me feel when they told me something flattering the first time around. I don't want to know what lies in my future, because I'd only worry about it.
Some questions with Gilah
What does it mean to be extra special?
It means being an onion with many many layers
What was the best piece of advice you ever received?
Rejection is the universes form of protection
If you could make one change to the way the music industry is today what would it be?
Artists would be paid a lot more money for what they do. Music is so culturally valued but so monetarily undervalued and it makes me very sad and frustrated.
Can your music be broken down to a mathmatical formula?
1e + A 2e + A 3e + A 4e
What kinds of stories do you gravitate towards in your writing?
It’s usually love, losing my mind, dreaming of the future, or making mistakes
What has been your brightest moment of 2020 so far?
2020 threw a lot of shit everyone's way, but I forgive it a little bit because it also threw an wonderful person my way :)
Your 2020 EP ‘Lazy About It’ tackles a myriad of difficult emotions. Is writing a cathartic experience for you?
Hundo percent. It has saved me from some deep dark holes more than any therapist ever has.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
You can be anything you want to be!