The Family Reviews

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El Campo | Paint Rock (Single)

Family Average: 4/7

Hey ho hi there! Check out this little country-infused ditty from El Campo. It gets Sean all kinds of riled up, kicking his cowboy boots in glee — but what did the rest of the family think? Does anyone else even own cowboy boots?

Listen along on their soundcloud and read on to find out:

It’s going to be rather difficult to talk only about this one song, considering I have a lot of love for this band’s entire body of work. They go by the name El Campo, and are a folky kinda country-esque band from the land called Texas.

I have several large holes in my heart that I choose to fill with musical genres and brother, this band forks out and dang near hits all of ‘em. They got the steady rock sound, the soft and intimate folky vibe and now, thanks to this single, the big “rah rah” atmospheric sound.

They really surprised me with this one. I already had lots of love for them, and after this it has nearly doubled. This is just one of those great songs that pairs well with a shouting crowd, and dim lights. Good work fellas, can’t wait to see what the rest of the album brings!


Some bands are just a pleasure to listen to. End of. This short and simple track from El Campo—and the rest of the songs I gave a sneaky listen to—is just that. The opening and steady combo of drum and guitar set the stage for tempered vocals swirling over this lulling reverberation. The effect was a lovely descent into some sort of golden reverie that flowed like honey and felt just as sweet. It’s hard to pinpoint why I like this song so much, beside the fact that it seems to favor all my usual preferred music genres—folk, indie, rock, etc. They’ve got something special here, and I am very keen to see what else they’ve got up their sleeves.


Here we go! These guys are my speed. Slow and steady and groovy. I am a fan of this country kind of thing. They remind me a little of a Charleston band, Susto which is one of my favorite bands right now.

I like the polished sound that sounds unique enough without being so ground-breaking that my old lady palette can't take it. Well done, peeps. You had my head nodding in approval the whole way through.


This track’s got all the pieces put in place to make it a solid song. It didn’t wow me, but I can see the appeal. It’s not something you’d listen to in-depth, but as a background song it’s fine. If they want to engage people more it could use a bit of variety, some change up in the mood or instrument lineup every so often.


I don't know what to say about this one. It just didn't move me. The singer had a good voice, and the lyrics were nice. The composition was just flat. I like this genre, country is usually my kind of thing. This particular song just didn't have any high points. No pedal steel guitar, no standout moments. It needed some iron.


Ooo these people know what they’re doing, exciting. I like. Clean, stylish, unimposing. Good work.


This track struck me as a tangy Texas/Country song. Not a genre I enjoy or relate to. That being said, I can appreciate the apparent heartache and vibe of this song. They work hard and put a lot of effort in here, so that must be appreciated.

There was just not enough energy here to draw me in and make me a fan. As songs go, it was rather anemic. Perhaps they have better songs. I'll have to keep listening.
