Meet Donovan (
Those of you who have been following the blog closely know that I am a big fan of whimsical character illustrations. With that in mind please direct your attention tho the fantastic Mr. Donovan who’s stark black and white characters will stare through your soul and reveal the secrets of the universe. Get to know this wonderful person in our latest interview.
ROCK MUSIC a Mad-lib by, Donovan
Young people today would rather listen to a good rock music concert than to Johann Sebastian BUNNY or to Ludvig von RAVIOLI. Rock music is played by MAD groups of young men who wear their hair below their AMERICANS. They also wear very odd and colorful CEREMONIES and often have beards. The groups have attractive names such as "The TARDIGRADES" or "GOD and The Three HOLOGRAMS." They usually play electric SECRETS. One member of the group usually sits on a raised platform and sets the rhythm by beating his TRANSMISSION. The songs are mostly about some fellow who has been rejected by his SATELITE. They are very sad and when young girls hear them, they often get tears in their DIMENSIONS.
Would You Rather
have snails for hair or large bats for feet? Please explain your answer?
Bats for feet. For the fashion. Also, echolocation powers would be cool.
Some questions with Donovan
Your work embraces the surreal, but almost always incorporates recognizable human elements like eyes, lips, or teeth. Do you know where or why this motif started in your work?
In art classes there was a focus on capturing people and objects accurately. There is a lot to learn from doing that but I wanted my art to be more wild and less representational. I enjoy the balance of realism and abstraction. Adding eyes and mouths to abstractions makes them more engaging to me.
Do you use headphones? What kinds do you use? Why?
I use headphones when I'm out. I have some simple Samsung wired headphones. When I'm home, I prefer playing music from my CD player. I have a lot of CDs.
Despite the range present in your illustrations, you stick with a monochromatic palette. What keeps you coming back to the black pen?
I love the permanence of using pen. I don't sketch anything out with pencil first. I prefer to trust my hand and commit to whatever happens. When I paint, I use color. for drawing, I come back to the black pen because I like the simplicity and contrast. I feel I haven't done everything I want with this style but when I'm tired of it then I will incorporate color.
What shoes do you wear most often? Why?
I wear my black Clark chelsea boots most often. Simple, comfortable, and good for all weather.
What art movement was the most badass and why?
To me, surrealism is the most badass. Artists in that movement were going against reason and tapping into the unconscious mind. I had a moment seeing Dali's Crucifixion (Hypercubus) at the Met. I thought this is a badass painting blending religion, science and math.
By, Donovan
Do you think art has to have a purpose/meaning?
Art does not need a purpose or meaning. Yet art wouldn't exist without it.
How does the role of craft play into your work?
The role of craft is in the detail. Shading and patterns are a big focus for me. I tend to think of my smaller drawings as the singles and my larger drawings as the album.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
I will be part of an upcoming group show in April in Long Island City. Follow me for updates on that I am open for commissions. Also, shout out to my girlfriend and the amazing artist @clau.zerep She does mind-blowing projections and live visuals