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Dominic Fike | Don't Forget About Me

Family Average: 6/7


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I will admit, I am buying into the Dominic Fike hype and that I was introduced to him by Brockhampton’s youtube channel. When I first saw the video Brockhampton made for him for, “3 Nights” of him talking and running around the hills in LA doing backflips and whatnot, I was like “what is this, who is this, what's going on, but I’m interested”. Then the song started playing and i was like “ooooh I like this and I haven't been able to stop listening since”.

There's a lot of hype and talk surrounding this artist.  With his Naples, Florida upbringing, his rebranding from a rapper to indie/alternative artist, the jail time, the rumors that he's an industry plant, the shout-outs from influencers such as DJ Khaled and that Jenner girl. But whatever you believe it's some good music, and he's bound to take off.

The album starts with “3 Nights.” I have been throwing this song in the face of everyone I know to get them to listen, cause I just can’t stop playing it. It's addicting, groovy, and shows range. There’s good production and instrumentals. I like his guitar sounds and the places he brings his voice to, it’s addicting.  I love the way he says “com-pa-ny” in the beginning as it starts to pick up. I played this track at a chilean BBQ and they were all nodding their heads and moving. Everytime I play it that's the reaction--dancing. He said his producer didn’t wanna include this on the EP but he was like nooo “that’s the zinger” and he's right.

Lots of guitar on the other tracks, lots of vocal range on “She Wants My Money”, that song is flowy, and wavy.

He grew up listening to Jack Johnson and you can note the influence on the track “Babydoll” with the melody of his vocals and guitar.

His lyrics are honest and show that he’s been through it. He hasn't had an easy life, but his music is super upbeat in contrast.

On “Westcoast Collective” the hook is so addictive I love love.

He's my exact age and grew up listening to what I did and the influence is apparent but with a modern flare.

I really like “Socks” the bit of a slower track. “I can’t keep track of all my socks/ I’m irresponsible not because I’m a rockstar. I like that, using the socks to show his chaos.  

I also, love the vocals, and the simpler instrumentals.

You can tell that he was kinda in a rush to put this out cus a lot of the songs just kinda end.

Yet that just makes me excited to see what he’s got coming for us next.

People for sure dance and move their head when you play him.


This album is not quite R&B, not quite rap, not quite rock, alt, or trance. But Fike takes elements from all of these and makes something entirely his own. It combines a lot of things in unexpected yet effective ways. Like when this chicken and veggies recipe I had called for adding cream cheese. Sounded weird on paper but worked in execution.

Right off the bat, “3 Nights” sounds like it might start up as a reggae-ish track but immediately segues into a more traditional R&B. Like a lot of the songs on this album, the vocals take the forefront. It’s nice to hear an artist experiment with vocal accompaniment as much as musical ones.  It changes up a lot and keeps things fresh. There’s spoken rhythmic word but also usual singing and backup vocals. Also for the most part they’re coherent, which I’ll admit I’m partial to.

“She Wants My Money” brings in some distortion and starts with a sunny, quiet vibe. It’s slower than the first, and continues that mix of calm singing and rap segments. To keep you paying attention, an electric guitar pops up halfway through, along with other instruments here and there.

For “Babydoll” I wasn’t quite sure where it was going, but it turned out all right in the end and even got my toe tapping. One weird thing though is that it just abruptly cuts off, like mid sound. I’m not sure if that was intentional.

“Westcoast Alternative” has an alt-rock feel to it, bringing back the electric guitar with drums for some toe-tapping beats. This track actually has like a Sublime feeling to it? In a good way.

“Socks” gives off that tired feeling your mind gets from being out in the bright sun too long. I can’t pinpoint what that xylophone-like beep instrument is, but it’s calming. I wasn’t expecting the direction they took with the vocals but, not surprisingly, it works.

“King of Everything” was a great track to end it on. It still fit the thematic feel of the album but had a more definitive, night-time dreamy feel to it, especially with the reverse audio sound. The vocals in this one are the least coherent, but they’re chill and the mumblyness and slight distortion fits the mood of the track. And the R&B feeling of the singing helps to add more impact to it.

I can’t think of a particular audience that this would appeal to cause it’s kinda something on it’s own. If you like mellow music this is something you’d probably like to check out.


WOW!  So much talent in someone so young. Everything about his music, voice, and arranging sound much older and more mature than his years would normally allow.  I love when music reflects a varied scope of influences and combines them in a unique way that allows the artists individual talent to shine through. On this EP Dominic certainly does this!  I can hear influences of Jack Johnson, Rap and maybe even a little Motown edge. A lot is going on and he certainly has got it all working amazingly together. 

On the track, “Baby Doll” you can hear a heavy Jack Johnson influence, yet he gives it his own stamp.  Other tracks were giving me that laid back Sugar Ray vibe, like you are riding around on a skateboard on a warm summer day with nowhere special to go.  

“King of Everything” , with it’s techno intro shows he, again, can perform in various genres. The song flows right into his strength, a pop like song with mass appeal and totally  relatable lyrics, “I know just how your feel when you’re alone”.  

This EP made it to the top of my go to playlist. Whether I am driving around, cooking, sitting on the beach or doing yoga, it’s always a good time to hear this talented artists.  I can’t wait to hear what he does next! 


A lot is going on and he certainly has got it all working amazingly together. — Mom

Hang on folks I have to recalibrate a little bit. Even though I know this is not going to be that song they play at the end of Breakfast Club I still could not shake the tune from my noggin. At any rate, this albums is a pretty feel good time. Which is a little bit of a bummer, because Meghan told me this fella is having some legal troubles. Still not much I can do to change that. All I can do is give this EP an honest review.

With Don’t You Forget About Me Dominic Fike is mixing up old things to make them feel new again. He is going into the fridge, pulling out four different take out meals, and turning them into some kind of new super-meal. Gosh darn that sounds good right about now, and so does this EP. There are a lot of different influences that culminate here. One that especially stuck out to me was this “90’s summer pop music” sound. I know that is not a genre but think back to bands like Sugar Ray, Sublime, maybe a little Wheatus. Even though these bands would not be considered “in vogue” by today’s standards, their sounds are still comfy as heck. And Dominic does a good job distilling them into a sound that fits into this modern context. 

Knowing what I know now about his current situation makes this album is especially bittersweet. The subject matter of the majority the songs has our Dominic struggling with a lot. While the music is for the most part is up-beat there is clearly some distress in what he is saying. I like being the sad person at a party. If you like that feeling I would give this album a listen. Everyone can dance and sing, and you can look around for other sad people and give them a knowing nod.
