Photo provided by, CRONIES
Not since our coverage of Venus Twins has a family band completely rocked my eyeballs out of my skull. Cronies is a deliciously fierce heavy sludgy dream boat. Melodic, and unrelenting their latest release “An Evening With Saints” is streaming everywhere now.
Give it a listen and get to know these terrific folks in our latest interview.
A self-portrait by CRONIES:
Would You Rather
have the power to make things you touch turn invisible or shrink?
Shrink, i've always wanted to see people swimming in my cereal.
Some questions with CRONIES
What is the creative process like between the two of you?
It's pretty basic, we usually just jam until something sounds good or one of us will come up with an idea and it will play from there. a lot of the time we end up pissed with nothing.
Was there a catalyst that brought this project together?
Not really, just listening to a lot of different stuff and getting inspired to write and try to make something different while keeping it heavy and weird. Also the current state of the world has played a big impact on it, I don't know.
Did you both play music growing up? What songs did you play originals covers?
Our parents pushed music on us at a pretty young age, our dad is a musician so instruments were always around. We grew up playing mostly original stuff, covers are essential for getting better and practicing but it's definitely more fun to make your own shit. We still play covers all the time though, we recorded a cover of a Crime song like a month ago! maybe we'll use that on something in the future.
Who are your favorite bands active in NYC right now?
I really like bands like died, child abuse, show me the body, all the label of goods stuff and all the bands my homies play in. Most bands out here sound like a watered down Discharge though.
What does the rest of the family think of the music?
They are stoked on it, our mom and dad were both listening to the record in bed with headphones on apparently.
What was your first date like?
I accidentally got me and my date locked in a cage with a 800 pound man in a thong eating ravioli with a butter knife, it took us about 2 hours to convince the man to give us the key to unlock the gate and sadly only one of us was allowed to leave
What are your top five favorite animals?
Dolphins, Pink Fairy Armadillos, Pandas, Falkor, and my dog Rosie.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
There's a time to live and a time to die, I smoke Elvis Presley's toe toenails when I want to get high!