Couch Prints
Photo provided by, Couch Prints
Meet Couch Prints
Forged in the fires of NYC Couch Prints makes music that chills out my legs, arms, and heads. With an impossibly wavy sound, their take on dream/synth-pop is an atmospheric experience. Their EP “Tell U” releases October 30th. From what I have heard already I have a feeling it is going to pop off. Get to know the group as we have a little chat.
A self-portrait by, Couch Prints
Would You Rather
you rather your skin flash like a fast strobe light, or be incredibly slippery? Why?
Brandon: Wow those would both be really hard things to live with.. I guess strobing would be kind of fun for parties and is also just a lot less gross than being super slippery all the time
Jake: It seems like there could be some utility to being super slippery always, maybe you could put it to some good use. So I think I would rather have that. Having your skin flash like a strobe light just seems like you might give people seizures and that seems dangerous.
Jayanna: Totally strobe light skin so I could turn out the lights an start a frickin dance party with my body
Some questions with Couch Prints
How did Couch Prints come together?
Brandon: Through our varying French educations: Jake and I had gym and French class together in middle school, and Jayanna and Jake met in Paris during college… Random story about Jayanna and I, but we found out later that before we’d met we saw the same showing of Hereditary in Manhattan at the same time. I was complaining to her (later) about how when I saw it someone’s phone went off for like 10 minutes during that really tense scene with the family seance.. turns out it was her phone lolol
Jake: Couch Prints came together basically through Brandon and I wanting to finally collaborate on something together. We’ve been best friends since 7th grade and both make/love music. So finally we were like we should start working on something. Then I met Jayanna by pure happenstance in Paris at the same time Brandon was moving to NYC (where Jayanna lived) and so really it all just came together so perfectly. We meshed so well, and I think we all just knew we had something really special.
Jayanna: Brandon and Jake met in Colorado growing up, have been making music together since forever ago, over a decade? Jake an I met in Paris at school, performing a french song Jake wrote for a class final was our first collab, i remember him showing me good weather’s music an feeling super attracted to the sound Jake was visiting Ny maybe a year later, convinced me to come to the studio an we all hung out an recorded stuff for the entire 4 weeks Jake was here. We just continued ever since
Your upcoming EP, Tell U, was a two-year project. As musicians, when do you know the work is “done”?
Brandon: Boring answer! but I think u just know, we can get pretty maximal in production so when you find yourself masking other stuff out to squeeze other stuff in it’s probably time to stop
Jake: Tell U was even longer than a 2 year project really. Some of the songs are pretty old! Knowing when something is “done” is really difficult, and something we’re starting to realize we might not ever truly achieve. Tell U took so long because we were still growing so much. We’d write a new song and think It was really good and then write another that we thought was even better. We’re also very critical people, and we really labor over little details. So it takes a loot for us to decide a song is finished. But the whole concept of Tell U was to create an EP that we felt like captured a moment in our lives. Time is a big theme to us, so we wanted to make something that really embodied our stories, growths, trials/tribulations, spirit, etc from the last three years. So at some point we finally just felt like we had captured that and felt it was ready to be released. Now we can look back and understand this time for what it was, reflect, and begin to look forward and capture the next chapter.
Jayanna: Tricky, Beats me back an forth of personal ears an friends ears, Just takes finding that magnetic feeling
What three items do you never leave the house without?
Brandon: Phone, keys, wallet ??
Jake: I mean there are the staples of course: wallet, phone, keys. But for me I always feel weird leaving my house without this specific ring I’ve worn pretty much everyday for the last 4 years. Besides that I’d say I always make a point to bring headphones and this charm my grandma gave me.
Jayanna: Phone keys wallet jk thats a duh lol chapstick, a book or notebook, headphones
Where is the best pizza in NYC?
Brandon: 99 cent shops or joes pizza for a treat
Jake: Best pizza in NYC is hard, recently I’ve been in love with the eggplant pizza from Joe and Johns in Ridgewood.
Jayanna: Favorite is dollar slice any spot in manhattan whenever its fresh, must add oregano
What are your hopes for the music scene in New York after the pandemic?
Brandon: More community generated events - house shows, street parties, warehouse stuff. It’s sad that we’re most likely going to lose so many venues and so much of the infrastructure, but I think people will get more creative in how they perform. Alternatively maybe this’ll be the push that makes people develop AR technology and have like way better Minecraft shows
Jake: We’re really just hoping that the pandemic will end soon so everyone can start playing shows again. We’ve heard a lot about people leaving the city and we hope its not permanent! There’s a lot of people we’d love to have the opportunity to see or play with.
Jayanna: Hoping that live shows will reinvigorate a physical sense of community. curious how socially distanced shows will be fun because gross but feeling strangers sweat is a sweet joy. but even when the pandrmic is over cant imagine it will be safe to be in crowds for a long long time so itll be fun to explore new ways of having safe interactive experiences, all the new possibilities of exploring a performance space. I also hope the focus for revolution against the way the world currently runs and exists continues in the music world. Hoping enough destruction happens as creation.
What would the title of your memoir/biography be?
Brandon: Tongwater
Jake: Thats a hard question, I think I’d like to imagine it would be called “Spirit of Eden” which is my favorite album but also maybe something with “444” because those are really important numbers to me. Realistically it’d probably just be my name.
Jayanna: A messy maze made of marshmallows
What would be the worst print for a couch?
Brandon: Supreme box logo all over
Jake: The worst graphic print for a couch is probably some sort of beachy floral pattern.
Jayanna: Lmayo dogtooth print
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Jake: Just wanna say that I hope everyone is holding up through all these crazy times.