Photo provided by, Carol
Meet Carol
Carol is the music to put on while you take stock of what you like in your life. Helmed by Carolyn Flaherty the artist’s fresh take on a bygone era of psychedelic pop music sends out waves of calm. They recently recorded a live video of their track “Clear As This” Which you can check out below as you read up on this terrific musician.
A Self-Portrait by, Carol
Would You Rather
your sense of smell or sense of hearing be a hundred times stronger? Why?
I would pick a sense of smell. The smell brings the strongest sense of immediate nostalgia for me more so than any other sense! I think my memory would improve if I had a crazy sense of smell and there are so many subtle smells that would be so beautiful magnified.
Some Questions with Carol
How did you come to find your unique vocal style?
My vocal style has mostly developed with age but also with feeling new freedoms. Voice is a powerful instrument to me because so much can be expressed in a single phrase with language or not. Thinking of the voice itself as its own raw and human language has helped me over time feel more freedom to explore what you can communicate in vocal expression.
If you could be on any reality TV show, what would it be and why?
The Great British baking show. If I could bake like that I'd go for it.
What is the best book you’ve most recently read?
There have been so many over the past few months I've loved, but one that really altered my course has been Women Who Run with Wolves by Clarissa Estes.
What was the creative inspiration behind your 2019 release “Softest Destroyer”
It was a really early and innocent time of expressing for me. It contains a lot of reaction to loss. Each song sits on the threshold of my childhood and how there's already so much you learn so early about loss, but the experiences alter and change with each time the pain is felt.
You did a live show on Baby tv this past summer. How did it go?
I think it went really well! It was so nice to see the other bands perform and the crew at Baby's is doing a really amazing job providing alternative spaces for artists during this time!
What kinds of stories attract you in your writing?
I always tend to write to a source that has certainty about fiercely protecting the innocent but navigating that when you hold the belief that there is innocence in everyone and everything.
Has the current lockdown affected your creative process? If so how?
It's given me so much time to listen and write. It's letting me really embrace all types of music as a way to calm and soothe. I always feel like I can't write unless I can observe and listen!
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
I have a new project coming out in the near future, and just released a live session for a collection of demos I put out at the end of October!