Blue Yonder
Photo provided by, Blue Yonder
Meet Blue Yonder
Blue yonder is the new shiny psychedelic garage rock project of DJ, Dalton, and Lena. Together the three of them make swell head swaying tunes to rock us into the weekend bliss. In our latest interview, the four of us chat about their upcoming self-titled release, detention, and their favorite bands in NYC right now.
Self-portraits by Blue Yonder
Would You Rather
have a magic lasso that would make people tell the truth or everyone believes every lie you ever told? Why
DJ: This question seems whimsical at first but it's actually pretty revealing of the person's character. I'd take the magic lasso of truth, because the ugliest truth is always better than the most comforting lie. And you could use it on anyone, even several people at once if your cowboy skills are good enough! Maybe you could practice on wild buffalo. It's hard to spin the other option in a positive way.
Dalton: I don’t like lying to people so gimme the lasso. I probably won’t use it unless completely
Lena: Magic lasso, other peoples truths are much more interesting than my lies.
necessary. Some questions with Blue Yonder
Did you ever get detention in school? If so, why?
DJ: I got detention all the time! But my grades were good. One time, I was skipping class to smoke in the Target parking garage, but my gym teacher was driving by and saw us walking down the sidewalk. I got Saturday school.
Dalton: I got detention once because someone I knew was getting blamed for something he didn’t do. I think it was for throwing a tin foil ball at lunch time. I tried to explain to the principal that he was innocent and we were both sent to detention.
Lena: Yeah, but mainly for tardies.
How do you keep the creative momentum of the project going during quarantine?
DJ: It's hard to feel motivated to do anything else honestly! But the motivation does come in waves, I especially lose it when I realize we can't start playing shows anytime soon. However, my motivation gets topped off everytime we get together.
Dalton: Cut out all the toxic people in your life. They force you to waste your energy on insignificant quarrels. Sometimes it can light a fire under your ass to get something done, but it isn’t healthy.
Lena: I think having the time to take in other people’s art galvanizes my creative momentum. Art inspires more art.
Where is the Blue Yonder?
DJ: Lena thought of the name, so I bet she has a good answer.
Dalton: It’s the horizon in front of you and it’s blue. It reminds me of a challenge from Super Mario 64.
Lena: To me blue yonder is the mystical unknown, something; a thought or feeling that is both awe inspiring and comforting.
What do you want listeners to take away from your upcoming album “Ladies Of The Night”?
DJ: I just want people to be stoked on it like we are, even if it's just a handful of friends. The songs are good and it sounds like a record to me. The most important thing is to have fun.
Dalton: I think this is an album about healing and moving forward despite having overwhelming obstacles and learning to overcome them. Moving in a positive direction from a negative state of affairs.
Lena: I guess that’s a hard question because each song means something different to me, but finding the silver lining to a dark situation and I guess seeing something beautiful without letting your ego control your vision.
If you could give one animal species (besides people) the ability to fly which would it be? Why?
DJ: Obviously the first choice is humans, but if sloths could fly then maybe one would fly into my arms, so I choose sloths if I can't have humans.
Dalton: Maybe penguins cause they used to be able to fly and I wonder if it was better for them.
Lena: Hmmm I think elephants bc that would be incredible to see something that big fly and also so they could escape poachers.
How do you navigate releasing an album during quarantine?
DJ: Our good friends at Spirit Lust, a new tape label in Brooklyn, are luckily helping us. It seems like the internet is definitely the greatest asset for releasing music since everyone is stuck at home and constantly on the internet.
Dalton: Unfortunately we won’t be able to have a release show, but that’s how it works in quarantine times. We would rather we not risk people’s safety just to have a traditional release. We are happy just to finally put it out for people to hear.
Lena: I guess the only way is through social media, which kinda sucks but also super cool that we have that luxury during these times.
Which one of you can jump the highest? Has this provided any advantages in life?
DJ: We've never wondered this, so I don't know. I don't think any of us are that athletic, but my money would be on Lena.
Dalton: I’m gonna guess DJ cause he seems like the most athletic of all of us.
Lena: I have no idea, I don’t think me, I guess DJ?
Who are your favorite bands active in NYC right now?
DJ: A few of mine are LEYA, Dougie Poole, Big Scary Indian, Palberta, The Spookfish, Oceanator, Karaoke Moodkiller, Garcon No. 1, Swear Tapes, Abi Glass, and Big Thief. I'd definitely suggest checking out the rest of the Spirit Lust roster.
Dalton: Karaoke Mood Killer, Nick Cage, Abi Glass, Come Softly, Heat Death, Dismal Stars, Garcon No.1, Dead Tooth.
Lena: Otra Vez, Should’ve, Cut Worms, Dougie Poole, Sarabeth Weszley
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
DJ: The state of the world may be grim right now, but a better world is possible no matter what skeptics and haters will try to tell you. I'm not an expert so I don't know how we're gonna get to that better world, but if we learn from the mistakes of past generations we'll get there. Hopefully we can come up with some new medicine as well.
Dalton: I’m lucky to be a part of Blue Yonder. Everything came together so naturally and I’m very thankful.
Lena: I think DJ said it best ❤️