Photo by, Julia Khoroshilov
Meet Bipolar
Tired of the same old same old? Never fear, Pouya Obash of Bipolar are here to put about ten million volts of pure punk energy through this city. As Bipolar the band breathes new life into the punk genre which has for a while seemed stagnant. With charged up lyrics, that are very fun to scream along to, and a serious sense of stage presence this band will get you there.
Get to know them a little better in our latest interview as we chat about all kinds of neat stuff.
“Rock Music” a fill in the blank with Bipolar
Young people today would rather listen to a good rock music concert than to Johann Sebastian REAGAN or to Ludvig von KHOMEINI. Rock music is played by SOFT groups of young men who wear their hair below their CHEAP MONKEYS. They also wear very odd and A TON OF BOOZE and often have beards. The groups have attractive names such as "The POUYA ESGHAI" or "GG and The Three RAVERS" They usually play electric ARMPITS. One member of the group usually sits on a raised platform and sets the rhythm by beating his JIMMY. The songs are mostly about some fellow who has been rejected by his SOUP. They are very sad and when young girls hear them, they often get tears in their MUSLIMS.
Would You Rather
have snails for hair or large bats for feet? Please explain your answer?
Pouya: large bats for feet. I have foot fetish
Some questions with Bipolar
If one part of your body could be detachable which would it be? What would you do with it?
Obash: my private part and I’d feed it to my cat Pouya: my eyes! So I can see everything everywhere
Was there a catalyst that brought together Bipolar?
Obash: we were in a club stuck in a k-hole and we got inspired by Iranian war propaganda songs. It seemed like a great idea at the time.
What kind of effect do you think the Coronavirus is going to have on the local music ?
Obash: punk is dead and bedroom pop is back baby haha
Pouya: I think everything is going to get back to normal
What shoes do you wear most often? Why?
Obash: converse because back in Iran, we believed if you wear converse you get laid
Pouya: running shoes, they’re the most comfortable shoes
On numerous occasions, you incorporate face paint and costumes into your live performances. What was the inspiration behind this?
Obash: we’re obsessed with masks and clowns in general. Also war face paint is amazing! We can get into different characters and it’s fun.
Pouya: it just makes it a lot more fun. And I’m here only to have fun so masks and make up makes perfect sense to me
Who are your favorite bands active in NYC right now?
Gnarcissists, Pinocchio, flasyd, retail, hankwood, uniform And probably Many more but can’t remember right now
What has been your favorite live performance to date? Why?
Obash: we can’t answer this question. Way too many to say
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Pouya: Stay away from drugs, leave it to the professionals. Stay strong out there !