Badlands Booker | Big Man Mentality 2



Without a doubt this is the first artist we have featured on the site that can boast the title of “A 20 year plus competitive eating veteran”. Youtube personality, competitive eater, and musician, Badlands Booker is a renaissance man. What other human could chug an entire boot of thick water in twenty seconds flat, and then write a track with such lyrical poetry as “I’m gonna chug this drink while it’s still wet”? A lot of the charm of the music comes through their personality which can be seen in their videos, and the innocent good nature of their lyrics. Although played pretty straight this is a comedy album made more enjoyable with the more context you have on the musician.


This was released in November 2019 so our spotlight on Eric “Bandlands” Booker aka Badlands Chugs is a little late but better than never. I’m curious about his fanbase. He sells a lot of kids appeal on his linktree bandland chugs website. CE (competitive eating) must have a niche position in the commercial marketplace. I’m using a lot of self restraint not to buy a $16 x-large kids t-shirt. I like the song G.Y.O.Z.A. the best. It’s the most on-the-nose song in terms of a personal narrative about a competitive eater who is specifically eating Gyoza (Japanese pan-fried dumpling).