Air Waves


Meet Nicole Schneit

Broadcasting certainly isn’t like what it used to be. In the age of streaming and AirPods, people don’t often recall the OG airwaves of radio and television. 

Nicole Schneit is reminding us all of that broadcasting power. Schneit’s project, Air Waves, is a broadcast in of itself, championing her ethos and mission through some punchy indie pop. Schneit’s latest album, Warrior, champions overcoming obstacles within one’s life, reminding listener’s of their own power and offering a sense of community. 

Below, we discuss NY’s influence, her fave childhood book, and unconventional guitars. 

Now go tune in and tune out.

Would You Rather…

have an enormous set of antlers or seven-foot-tall stilts for legs?

Seven foot tall stilts

Some Questions with Nicole Schneit

What makes a live performance successful to you?

The audience being engaged, the songs sounding tight, my vocals strong.

If you could make a musical instrument out of an unconventional material what would it be?

My back pack into a guitar.

If someone hands you an aux cord in an uber what is the song you put on?

CCFX- “Venetian Screens”

What was your favorite subject in school? Why was it your favorite?

Recess, we got to be social and play. ;)

Who are your top five favorite bands active in NYC right now?

Hard question. Im old school.  Do bands live in NY anymore? Juan Wauters, Liam Benzvi, I saw a band with 12 people, mostly women that was rad but I dont know what they were called...

Who is your favorite one-hit wonder?

The Goodbye Horses Song.

Are there any future projects you are excited about?

I would love to be involved in other peoples projects, playing drums, bass or guitar. So looking forward to that being a possibility.

Do you think living in New York City has influenced the music you are making today?

Definitely! Most of my songs are about relationships in NY or people I see in NY. The city, my neighborhood are all factored in my lyrics.

What is your favorite childhood book?

The Story of Ferdinand

Being around a year out from the release of your 2018 album "Warrior" How does it feel looking back at the work you produced?

Its still my favorite work Ive made, it maybe didnt get as much press as I would have hoped for but thats how this business works. I wouldnt change anything.

Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)

Im looking forward to sharing new songs with everyone, with more surprise guests. Im looking forward to the fall in NYC :)))