Get To Know Agua Viva
By Sean Maldjian, Contributor
Photo by, Sofia Ungar
Meet Agua Viva
Would you rather…
your bed breathes heavily, or narrates everything you are doing.
My bed narrates everything I am doing.
Some questions with Agua Viva
What's up? Thanks for coming on to our blog. Can you tell us about yourself?
My name is Josi my music project is Agua Viva. I’m an artist born and raised in Argentina, I lived in NY for 5 years. I love music prob more than everything, and finding a way to express myself there it’s kind of magical. Like creating and communicating your own world through sounds, melodies and visual elements as well.
How many legs are too many legs?
What first attracted you to the synth-pop genre? Do you have any major influences?
I like the places where the synths take me, I like diving into ethereal but power frequencies, the fantasy, the material and not material-aspect of it. My influences lately come from my inner self discovery, cosmic knowledge, the strong songwriters of the Brazil’s Tropicalia movement, the new age tapes of the Sounds of the down, some 2000s dance music, or simple 80’s electronic music.
What was your most memorable performance, and why?
Last year, I get with my friend Valeria a grant to make an event, and we made a healing arts Festival called La Llamada, at an Amphitheater at a park in BK, and since we have budget we went a little extra, lol, and it was a performance full of costumes, lights, we covered the entire amphitheater with fabrics to make projections, some friends performed on stage, doing bubbles, eating grapes and creating shadows with their movements. It ended with the rain, so it was kind of epic and chaotic at the same time.
How did you feel about the reception of your 2021 album ‘How To Build a Fountain’?
I received very sweet comments and feedback about those tunes, but also I feel like it didn’t have too much exposition yet, so, now with a little tour I’m doing to Europe next month, I’ll expand more on this music, cause I want more people to know my music.
It was mentioned on your band camp page that you had paired the release with a tailor-made scented water mist. What was the process like working on that with Hydrofemme?
HYDROFEMME is an independent project on aphrodisiac waters and soothing sounds based in Milan, Italy. So, Francesca, who runs this project, offered to release a tape with a mist designed for this album. And the cute synchronicity was that I named the album How to Build a Fountain before they contacted me, so, it felt like it made sense to Release a tape with that name, with a perfume in Italy.
They use ancient recipes for the healing beauty products, and now that I’m coming to Milan, I’ll try it for the first time! I feel the aesthetic of them it really suits with the Agua Viva world
What motivates you to keep making music?
I feel in music the most beautiful way to make art and try to say something, sound is a transportation, it’s a mystery, and creates transports for emotions it makes me feel that I’m elevating the emotions in something else, something more elevated, a product from Venus, I love performing, I love creating my own worlds and translate them into something, I love creating another realities, cause this dimension sometimes is to flat.
Also playing an instrument it’s a company that is gonna be there forever, so I’ll never be alone.
What is your morning routine?
I wake up early, and I have a few rituals. First I like cleaning my kitchen, burning incense or an aromatic candle, Some days I do some meditations, some days I do yoga, and after that I make my breakfast, which I love, and consist of a smoothie with some golden milk, a toast with avocado and a coffee. Then, I start with emails and stuff.
What was your first email address and or AIM username?
It was a hotmail with, lol, same user name of one of the gmail I’m still using =(
Josipalmas using palmas as a joke for a last name (it means claps in Spanish)
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
I would like to invite the readers to visit and watch my music video I released today, and also, another invitation to a kick off tour show I’m playing at Transpecos this Thursday the 29th among Carrie’s Fantasy and Estado Flotante.
Thanks for reading!
Have a nice day.