Aaron Frazer
Photo by, Alysse Gafkjen
Aaron Frazer
Aaron Frazer is the name to know for anyone tuned into the booming revival of classic soul music. Aaron crafts delightful tracks leveraging a down to earth lyrical style combined with hard-hitting grooves. In today's interview, we chat with Aaron about their latest release “If I Got It Your Love Brought It”, ringtones and fish. It’s all here. Check it out.
“BREAKING WEATHER REPORT” A Fill in the Blank With Aaron Frazer
We interrupt this FEROCIOUS.broadcast to bring you a SENSATIONAL news bulletin. Hurricane AUDREY, with gusting PIES clocked at 11 miles per hour, is hammering the BOLDLY populated Florida coast. This ROBUST storm has left SQUEAKY devastation in its wake. The National AXOLOTL Bureau reports that in Miami, windows have been blown out of fifty high-rise GUMBALLS, showering the streets below with pieces of broken REESES CUPS. The howling winds have reduced a newly built YELLING.center to EMPLOYEES. Police report a seven-ton railroad VELCRO SHOE was lifted off its track and sent WATCHING.into a three-story TONGUE. Fortunately, there have been no casualties. Nevertheless, the Governor has declared a PLANTAIN of emergency and advised all DOCTORS to seek safety in a SPONGE.shelter. And now back to your ICE CREAM in progress."
Would You Rather
have control over all the fish in the world or all the trees? What would you do with your new powers?
Huh. I think I’d control the trees, and make them grow in the shape of small houses, that way anyone who needs a place to sleep would have some shelter. Either that or make mango trees grow in any climate.
Some questions with Aaron Frazer
What was the creative drive behind your 2020 release ‘If I Got It (Your Love Brought It)’?
Gratitude. That’s what I was feeling most in making my solo record-- thankful for all the friends, family, bandmates, fans who helped me get to this point. The song itself is about my partner, but it’s a song for anyone or anything that brings joy, love, and self-improvement to your life.
In 2017 you released the single ‘My God Has a Telephone’.If your god has a telephone what is their ringtone?
Hah! I imagine it would be whatever secret chord David played to please the Lord.
What was the subject of the first song you ever wrote?
The long-distance relationship I was in. I think distance has been a recurring theme throughout the years since I’m on the road so much.
Who is your biggest supporter throughout your musical career?
I’d say, my parents. They worried a lot about me (and they still do) but they never once told me they didn’t believe in me. I think that’s a blessing that helps me every day.
What is the best smelling thing ever?
Cookies in the oven
What attracts you to the sounds and motifs of the 60s soul?
60s soul strikes an amazing balance between rough and beautiful. Lately, it’s been a lot of 70s soul for me, because they kept that spirit but pushed into more experimental territory.
What has been your brightest moment of 2020 so far?
Before Covid hit, my band did a U.S. tour that hit a couple of my favorite cities- Bloomington IN, San Antonio TX, and Brooklyn. In different ways, those all felt like hometown shows and had some of the loudest crowds I’ve ever heard.
Any final comments? (This is your electronic soapbox for one last answer.)
Drink more water!